In this series, we are going to take a look at the animals that correspond with the archetype of each sign. First, we are going to present a few general characteristics of every sign and then we are going to list the animals that match the description. For each sign, we are going to present either specific animals that correspond with the archetype or a group of animals that share particular characteristics of the zodiac sign.
Pisces is the unicorn of the zodiac. This sign is known for its dreaminess and its mysterious nature, as well as being otherworldly and magical. So which animals share this energy?

The sign of Pisces is traditionally represented by a pair of fish, so this has to be the first animal we assign to it. All kinds of fish, really: big fish, small fish, goldfish etc. Just like Pisces, they always go with the flow and they are also notoriously difficult to hold on to.

In this group, we have animals that are so extremely rare they might as well be mythical. Even their names sound made-up and fantastical: meet the Arabian oryx, hirola and saola. They are basically the closest thing we have to real-life unicorns. Seeing them in person is a challenge because they are so hard to find. Just like Pisces, they are elusive and magical.

This animal is the unicorn of the sea, essentially. In medieval times, it was believed that their tusk had magical and healing properties, which goes nicely with the characteristics of Pisces, who is widely known as a mysterious, magical being with curious healing abilities.

The animals in this group have actual magical powers: they have the ability to regenerate themselves. A few examples include starfish, sea cucumber, axolotl and salamander. Like Pisces, these animals spend at least a part of their life in water and they also have healing powers that nobody really understands, so they are pretty much the perfect representatives.