CARDINAL CROSS: the cross of life path and personal relationships
The First, the Fourth, the Seventh, and the Tenth house

The cardinal modality represents activity and instigation of events in the surroundings. The houses of cardinal modality (the so-called angular houses) require the individual to be actively involved and to strive for change.
The cardinal houses represent the framework of the chart. so they include the most important life areas; our individuality (H1), partnerships (H7), family circumstances (H4), and our personal mission (H10).
FIXED CROSS: the cross of stability and authenticity
The Second, the Fifth, the Eighth, and the Eleventh house

The fixed modality represents continuity and maintenance of the state of our environment. The houses of fixed modality (the so-called succedent houses) require the individual to maintain conditions and to strive for stability.
The fixed houses represent our internal and external security (H2), emotional stability (H8), self-confidence and creativity (H5), and authentic personal expression (H11).
MUTABLE CROSS: the cross of learning and searching for meaning
The Third, the Sixth, the Ninth, and the Twelfth House

The mutable modality represents instability and adaptation to the state of the environment. The houses of mutable modality (the so-called cadent houses) require the individual to be flexible and to strive for versatility.
The mutable houses represent the acquisition of knowledge and skills (H3), the search for personal beliefs and answers to larger questions (H9), as well as the discovery of the meaning of one's own existence in the everyday life (H6) and through the connection with the invisible world (H12).