MODALITY Mutable/Changeable
KEYWORDS Higher education. Philosophy. Law. Religion. Ethics. Morality. Personal beliefs. Spiritual growth. Publishing. Long journeys. Foreign cultures.
PLACES University. Religious institutions. Publishing house. Foreign lands.
PEOPLE Teachers. Professors. Mentors. Religious leaders. Gurus. Lawyers. Judges. Publishers. Foreigners. Brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Grandchildren.
The Ninth house originally belongs to Sagittarius, which means this is a positive mutable fire house. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac; it represents the need to freely explore the world and to grow on a personal level. Like a person in pursuit of the higher meaning of life, Sagittarius is focused on constantly expanding their horizons and searching for their personal beliefs.
Accordingly, the Ninth house represents our pursuit of personal growth and the search for higher meaning. This can be achieved in many ways, e.g., through a deep study and spreading of the theoretical knowledge in a desired area but also by exploring the world and travelling to remote places, or through a disciplined practice of religious, spiritual, or occult rituals. The Ninth house includes all the activities which help us find answers to the biggest life questions.
The Ninth house represents our moral compass. It describes our personal beliefs, our commitment to our principles, as well as how much importance we place on honor, truth, and justice. This house also shows our attitude towards religion and performing religious rituals. Spiritual practices, occultism, divination, magic, as well as other areas, which require regular practice and performing rituals, also fall under this house.
The Ninth house represents our interest in intellectual pursuits and attaining theoretical knowledge. It also represents our specialised knowledge and our university level education. In this house, we can find our teachers and professors, as well as any other mentors, who give us guidance and advice, and who pass their knowledge onto us.
In the Ninth house, we can also expand our knowledge in practical ways; these activities include an active exploration of the surrounding world, travelling to unknown places, and openness to meeting new cultures and religious traditions, as well as longer stays in foreign cultures.
The planets located in the Ninth house are expansive and wish to experience the fullness of life. These planets are visionary and future-oriented, they are open to adventures and to jumps into the unknown, as well as to risk-taking. They allow us to grab the opportunities, to recognize the potential of things, to stay optimistic about the future and to look at life from a bird's perspective. These planets need a sense of higher purpose to function properly. The Ninth house is one of the lucky houses, so the planets located here tend to bring us positive experiences and results.