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Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

GLYPH MEANING The scorpion’s tail symbolizes the self-protective and destructive nature of Scorpio.

ARCHETYPES The detective. The psychologist. The alchemist.

DATES October 23–November 23*

HOUSE Eighth




PLANETARY RULER Mars (traditional), Pluto (modern)

*the dates represent the first and the last possible day when the Sun can be in Scorpio and may vary slightly depending on the year


Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. As the second water sign, Scorpio represents the groundwater, which is hidden deep under the surface of the earth but is at the same time the most pristine type of water. In the sign of Scorpio, the soul is learning how to develop resilience and inner power. Scorpio helps the soul develop these traits with their indestructible will and perceptive mind.

Scorpio’s nature is powerful and formidable. This sign is known to have a tenacious spirit and staying power that make them survive life’s trials and tribulations and persevere against the odds. When they want something, they get it thanks to their focus, drive, and sheer determination. Scorpio also has a powerful intuition and sensitivity to emotional undercurrents, which, coupled with exceptional skills of observation and perception, gives them a great understanding of psychology. A combination of logic and intuition also makes them terrific strategists and fierce opponents.

Underneath the intimidating exterior, Scorpio is sensitive. They crave intense emotional connections, but their self-protective nature makes them careful in this regard. In order to protect their tender heart from hurt and disappointment, they prefer to remain secretive and mysterious, mostly keeping to themselves. They will only truly reveal themselves to a few selected people. Their emotional nature is deep and complex but also fiery and passionate at the same time. The combination of potent exterior and inner sensitivity makes them incredibly magnetic and charismatic. They possess a seductive, hypnotic charm that is impossible to resist. In general, they are tricky to get to know and impossible to figure out.

In relationships, Scorpio is intensely loyal and devoted. When they decide to pursue a relationship, they go all in. They are very private and secretive, so it's not easy to get them to reveal things about themselves. Getting to know them takes time because they need to make sure that their partner is trustworthy. Sometimes they test people for a while, but if they decide to open up, it’s because they really trust the person. It can take years, however, before they are ready to reveal their deepest secrets. Trust is of utmost importance to a Scorpio, they need to know that they can trust their partner unconditionally. In return, they are loyal and protective of the partner and all their secrets. This kind of intimacy creates a deep bond that is difficult to break. It represents the core of all Scorpio’s relationships, and it is how they connect deeply with their partner. As partners, they are sensitive and loving, but also intense and passionate. Scorpio's feelings are extreme, profound, and long-lasting.

On the negative side, Scorpio can be truly intimidating. Their need for security makes them controlling and distrustful. They can be temperamental, menacing, and when triggered, their anger is terrifying. They have a strong character, and they tend to be stubborn, obstinate people. Once their mind is made up, there is no going back. They find it difficult to let go of things they want or people they consider theirs.

Scorpio experiences many intense feelings, especially in their relationships. They can come out as suspicion, paranoia, obsession, jealousy, and possessiveness. All of these are a consequence of their insecurities and fear of losing their partner. Often they try to mask their weakness by being arrogant, cold, and mean, instead of being vulnerable and discussing things openly with their partner. The second it looks like they might get hurt they retreat and close themselves off. Then they observe their partner and look for signs of betrayal. Scorpio is very good at recognizing patterns in people's behavior, so it's difficult to hide anything from them, however, their paranoia can make them twist everything their partner does, so more often than not they manage to convince themselves that their suspicions are correct. Then they start resenting their partner for something that might not even be true and they become awful just to push the partner away. When they succeed, they feel like they were right all along.

If there is proof of a slight or betrayal, it gets much worse. When Scorpio gets hurt by someone they trust, they become distant, cruel, and vengeful. They don't forgive or forget, so you can be sure that revenge is on its way. They like to take their time with it, too. Execution often involves a lot of manipulation and mind games. Scorpio will get close to their enemy, make them relax, and reveal any secrets or weaknesses they may have. Then, just when it looks like they managed to escape Scorpio's fury, their life will turn into a pile of ashes. Scorpio is thorough when they decide to destroy someone’s life, and they always hit where it hurts the most. If they have to sacrifice themselves in the process, so be it. Their pride won’t allow them to let things go, no matter the price.

The most important life lesson Scorpio has to learn is related to the way they seek security. Because Scorpio goes through many crises in their life, they learn to embrace the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. For them, life is turbulent and keeps getting destroyed and rebuilt. They are destined to experience plenty of turbulence in their life, but they also invite a lot of it themselves. They crave intensity, so they get themselves into challenging situations that make them face their worst fears, destruction, hurt, betrayal, etc. They go through many transformative experiences in life, which allow them to face their fears, conquer them, transform, and become empowered. The more they repeat this cycle, the more powerful they get, and the more unshakable their sense of inner security becomes. Going through this process repeatedly eventually reduces their fears and insecurities. Each time they become bolder, braver, stronger, and more sure of themselves. This long, complicated process gives them security, however, Scorpio secretly worries that this cycle is too complicated and self-destructive, because it requires them to go back to the beginning over and over again.

Scorpio needs to look to its opposite sign Taurus and learn that it is possible to attain security through a much simpler process. Taurus understands that peace and stability equal security. A simple, uncomplicated life is secure. They tend to be happy with the stability this kind of life offers and they don’t involve themselves in emotional dramas. They prefer a quiet, content, peaceful, and comfortable life. Taurus is like a rock - immovable, stable, and unchanging. Scorpio should learn this approach to life from Taurus. Instead of repeatedly trying to tear their lives apart and starting again just to prove to themselves how strong and resilient they are, they should realize that they are already powerful. It is important, however, not to use their power against others. Instead, they should use it to help people who are going through intense situations and are perhaps less equipped to deal with them than Scorpio. In this way, they can become a steady rock that other people can rely on in their darkest times. Scorpio can become their best self when they learn how to use their transformative experiences and inner strength to help empower and transform others.


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