HOUSE TYPE Succedent
KEYWORDS Personal property and finances. Earning potential. Source of income. Personal talents. Values. Self-confidence and self-worth. Self-image. Food intake. Voice.
PLACES Bank. Wardrobe. Dining room. Garden.
PEOPLE Family. Financial advisors.
The Second house originally belongs to Taurus, which means this is a negative fixed earth house. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac; it represents security, both internal and external. Like a small child, who is still developing their personality and depends entirely on their environment, Taurus is focused on the resources that are available to them. In this sense, this sign represents creating material security, building stability, and manifesting concrete results.
Accordingly, the Second house represents our foundations and the “solid ground” beneath our feet. The Second House is located just below the First, so it symbolically "supports" it, just as our material security, positive self-image, and talents enable os to survive and to actively participate in the world.
This house tells us how we manage money, how we take care of our property, and what we really value in life. In addition, it also describes our potential for obtaining material things and how important they are to us in general.
The Second house also describes our talents, since we often rely on them to build our material security. It shows us what we are good at, what kind of natural abilities we have, and how successfully we use them to progress in life. In this sense, our talents can also indicate what kind of profession would be suitable for us.
This is also the house of inner security. It shows us how much self-confidence we have, how much we trust in ourselves and our talents, and how successfully we use them to our advantage. All of these things can be tied back to our early experiences and the family environment in which we grew up, as well as the values we learned from our family.
The planets located in the Second house help us build our material security. They are essential for our self-confidence and our sense of inner security. On top of that, they also represent our talents and describe our earning potential.