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Tenth house

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka





KEYWORDS Career. Ambitions. Achievements. Reputation. Government.

PLACES High positions. The top. Government buildings.

PEOPLE Authorities in our life. Parents. Bosses and superiors. Employers. Role models. Government workers.


The Tenth house originally belongs to Capricorn, which means this is a negative cardinal earth house. Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac; it represents the need for achievements and the fulfilment of personal ambitions. Like a person striving to reach their career goals and to succeed in life, Capricorn is focused on productivity, seriousness, and fulfilling their duties in a responsible manner.

Accordingly, the Tenth house represents our highest ambitions, both professional and personal. The Fourth house is located at the bottom of the chart and is the most hidden from view; this house represents our roots and beginnings. The Tenth house is located opposite to the Fourth, at the top of the chart. Symbolically, it is the most visible, therefore, it represents where we wish to go in life and how determined we are to reach our goals.

The Tenth house is primarily connected to our career because the general public knows us by what we do in life. This house can describe the career path that is the most appropriate for us and on which we are likely to succeed. On top of that, it also describes how easy or difficult it is for us to fulfil our ambitions and what might be necessary for our success.

This house represents the top we are striving to achieve, so this is also the house where we find the people we consider to be "on top"; these people represent the authorities in our life, namely our parents, bosses and superiors, as well as our idols we wish to resemble. The state of this house tells us what is the attitude of these authorities towards us, whether they help us and encourage us to achieve our goals, or they block us in doing so. On top of that, the Tenth house also shows what we are like when we find ourselves in positions of authority and how we are seen by our subordinates.

This house also represents our reputation and social status. It tells us who we are in the eyes of the public and what we are most known for. Whatever is located in the Tenth house is clearly visible even to the people who don't know us personally. Any planets in the Tenth house become a part of our personal identity and usually nothing about them stays private.

The planets located in the Tenth house have the need for achievements and for reaching their goals. They give us ambitions and a wish to succeed in life. Because of them, we are ready to show a great deal of persistence and seriousness as we direct all our energy into career pursuits. The Tenth house shows us for what or for which qualities we wish to receive the recognition and respect of the general public.


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