Before we delve into a detailed analysis of the birth chart and explore the individual positions of planets, it is important we understand how much weight each position holds. The chart must be understood as a whole and some elements in it are more important than others.
One of the simplest techniques of chart analysis is looking at the balance of elements and modalities in the birth chart. The excess or deficiency of a certain modality or element in the chart will give you a basic but very important insight into your personality. For example, if your Sun sign is Aries, but you also have a few personal planets in the sign of Taurus, you may not identify so easily with the description of Aries because the group of planets in Taurus has a greater influence in your chart.
This technique is very simple, as you can mostly assess the excess or deficiency of a particular element or modality at a glance. For a more precise understanding of the balance, you can also score individual planets, since personal planets (i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) tend to have more influence on the personality than the outer planets (i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). Out of the personal planets, the Sun and the Moon are most important. You can also add the Ascendant to this calculation.
You can also calculate the balance in your chart by helping yourself with the table below. Simply arrange the planets according to the sign they are in and calculate the balance.

Sun, Moon, Ascendant - 3 points each
Mercury, Venus, Mars - 2 points each
Jupiter, Saturn
- 1 point each
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - 0.5 points each
* North Node, Chiron, and the Midheaven are automatically listed in the table, but they are not relevant for this calculation

You can calculate your birth chart for free at the following link:
Find the Elements and modalities table and check the balance.
How do you determine the balance of polarity in your chart?

In the Elements and modalities table, see if there are more planets in the top two rows (F
and A; Fire and Air) or in the bottom two (E and W; Earth and Water).
Once you've figured out the balance of polarities in your chart, read the Polarity article to find out what this means for you.
How do you determine the balance of elements in your chart?

In the Elements and modalities table, see which row contains the most or the least planets (F – Fire; A – Air; E – Earth;
W – Water).
Once you've figured out the balance of elements in your chart, read the Elements article to find out what this means for you.
How do you determine the balance of modalities in your chart?

In the Elements and modalities table, see which column contains the most or the least planets (C - Cardinal; F - Fixed;
M - Movable / Changeable).
Once you’ve figured out the balance of modalities in your chart, read the Modalities article to find out what this means for you.