MODALITY Mutable/Changeable
KEYWORDS Thought process. Intellect. Learning. Communication. Speech. Hearing. General education. Short trips. Transport. Movement. Courage. Entrepreneurship. Skills. Interests.
PLACES Immediate surroundings. Home neighborhood. Primary school.
PEOPLE Brothers and sisters. Cousins. Neighbors. Teachers. Small teams.
The Third house originally belongs to Gemini, which means this is a positive mutable air house. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac; it represents the need to communicate and connect with others. Like a small child, who learns to walk and talk and consequently learns about the world around them, Gemini is focused on intellectual exploration, expressing their will, and learning practical skills.
Accordingly, the Third house represents our communicative abilities, our intellectual abilities, and our interests. It tells us how easily and quickly we process information, how we learn, and how skilled we are in communication.
The Third house represents our immediate surroundings and our active involvement in it. It describes our relationship with our siblings and close relatives, as well as our neighbors and teachers. In other words, the Third house describes the people we meet at an early age who are not part of our immediate family. These people leave an important mark on us, as they are the first strangers we meet, the first people who are outside our close inner circle.
This house describes our teamwork skills, as it also rules small groups and teams. The state of this house gives us information about how we communicate and collaborate with others, how flexible we are, how willing we are to listen to the ideas and opinions of others, and in what kind of teams or work environments we can be the most productive.
This house also represents our courage and enterprise. The way our environment accepts us influences how we react to it and, consequently, how bravely we approach new things. If we feel accepted and supported, we are also confident, courageous, and unafraid of taking risks, or the unknown.
The planets located in the Third house are curious and changeable. They need constant movement and activity. They show us what our skills are, how we learn, what we are interested in, and how actively involved we are with our surroundings. It is important that we constantly use the energy of this house and that we keep developing it, or we might get bored.