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Astrology is a field of knowledge that most people are unfamiliar with. As a consequence, they don't really understand how astrology works or what it can tell us about ourselves and about our future. Because of this, astrologers often work with clients who don't know what kind of information astrology (and the astrologer) can offer them.

I would like to present a few important points that will be useful knowledge in case you would like to get an astrological consultation. My main purpose is to make sure there are no unnecessary misunderstandings between you and your astrologer.


I also encourage you to read my summary of the Code of ethics, which is also published on my website. Reading it will assure you will be well prepared for your consultation; you will know what is considered ethical or unethical astrological practice. what a good astrological consultation looks like, as well as what you can expect from your astrologer and from the consultation itself.

1. The importance of correct birth time

Correct analysis of the astrological chart greatly depends on the accuracy of birth time information. The astrologer can analyse the birth chart using an approximate birth time, however, the client must understand that the astrologer cannot guarantee the accuracy of the analysis, since even a few minutes of difference can significantly alter the chart.

2. Astrological chart fully develops around 30 years of age 

The birth chary analysis can be done regardless of the client's age, however, the astrological chart fully develops around 30 years of age. Younger clients may not identify with everything the astrologer can figure out from their chart simply because such clients lack (sufficient) experience in certain life areas.  

3. Questions are encouraged

The main purpose of the astrological consultation is to offer help to the client. For this reason, it is extremely important that the astrologer adapt their vocabulary, so that the client can clearly understand the information that is presented to them. The astrologer's goal is for the client to get useful information in a way that is easy for them to understand. If there is anything you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask your astrologer for further clarification. A good astrologer will make sure their client isn't confused.

4. The astrologer doesn't have all the answers

Astrology is a complex area of knowledge. The astrologer has to analyse a set of symbols, each of them representing countless meanings, so it is important to emphasize that there is no such thing as a hundred percent accuracy when it comes to predictions. The astrologer can offer you several highly probable options, however, they cannot claim with certainty whether a particular event is going to happen or not.

5. The client is fully responsible for their personal decisions

The astrologer can advise their client and try their best to offer the most optimal solutions to the client's problems, however, the personal responsibility for their own decisions always lies with the client.

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