GLYPH MEANING The circle represents the human spirit; the outward-pointing arrow emerging from it symbolizes the spirit's diligence and determination.
DOMICILE Aries (Scorpio)
FALL Cancer
KEYWORDS Will. Action. Energy. Activity. Ambition. Determination. Courage. Boldness. Aggression. Competitiveness. Anger. Irascibility. Impatience. Combativeness. Defensiveness. Wound. Pain. Passion. Libido. Force. Physical strength. Stamina.
In astronomy, Mars is the planet closest to Earth. It is also called the Red Planet, after the color of its surface. Mars has two moons called Phobos (Greek for fear) and Deimos (Greek for dread).
In mythology, the characteristics of Mars are represented by the Greek god Ares and the Roman god Mars, who are primarily known as the gods of war. In addition, they also rule soldiers and fighters, courage, combativeness, violence, destructiveness, cruelty, and danger. Mars is also considered to be the patron of the Romans.
In astrology, Mars is the planet of will and courage. It shows us how determined and persistent we are and how ready we are to overcome challenges. Mars is the planet of passion that describes our approach to achieving goals and how we get what we want. In addition, it tells us how we react in conflict situations and how we express our anger. Mars is also related to the amount of physical energy and strength an individual has, so it also gives us a lot of information about their physical constitution.
Mars describes our physical body and the amount of physical energy and endurance we have. It also tells us how much physical strength an individual has and how well they tolerate pain. An individual with a strong Mars typically has vast reserves of energy. They are willing to work for hours and hours because they have incredible endurance as well as a lot of physical strength and a high pain threshold. Their physical constitution is strong and the individual is usually less prone to injuries and infections. If Mars is in a weak position in the birth chart, this tells us that the individual is physically more sensitive and less resilient. They typically have limited amounts of energy and need to be more thoughtful in their activities as they burn out faster. Their physical constitution is weaker, the individual may also be more susceptible to various infections and is usually more prone to injuries.
Mars is the planet of action and activity. It shows us how we take action, how we work, and how we achieve our goals. An individual with a strong Mars doesn't hesitate to make decisions, they are confident and persistent in their actions and determined to achieve their goals no matter how much time and effort they have to invest in them. They are efficient at work and use their energy wisely and thoughtfully. A weak Mars is typical of an individual who is insecure and finds it difficult to take action. They have difficulty focusing their energy and are very indecisive in setting personal goals. When they finally decide what they want, they often don’t know how to get started. Before taking action, they usually procrastinate and think about it for a long time, as they don't have a clear idea of how to achieve their goals. They also typically give up quickly if things do not go as expected, and they quickly lose courage if unexpected obstacles arise during the process.
Another typical Mars characteristic is combativeness. Mars represents our inner warrior. It tells us whether an individual is willing to fight for what they want, how long they will persevere, and how much energy they are willing to invest in achieving their goals. An individual with a strong Mars doesn't give up until they achieve what they want. They direct all their energy towards the set goal and don’t allow anything to distract them or lead them astray. Whenever conflicts arise, they are able to defend their position calmly and decisively. If Mars is weak, the individual is indecisive and quick to give up. In addition, they lack physical energy, so they are often willing to give up before it is really necessary. It is also typical of them to get easily distracted by external factors, which often causes them to start working on other things while trying to pursue their goals. The consequence of such behavior is that it takes them a lot more time to reach their goals, as they spend so much energy on other things, that they run out of it for what they set out to do. This is also the reason they often give up on their goals because they simply don't have any energy left. Whenever conflicts arise, the individual may have problems with self-control, they can be hot-blooded and aggressive and always ready for a physical confrontation.
A positively expressed Mars manifests as courage, boldness, fearlessness, and vibrancy. The individual is determined and active, but typically also direct and honest. They usually know what they want and how to achieve it, and they never hesitate to get it. They also have no problem expressing their wants and needs. In addition, they are also passionate and competitive, which means they sometimes take too many risks. They like risk and danger and aren't afraid of challenges. The individual is a natural fighter and protector.
A negatively expressed Mars manifests itself as irritability and impatience. The individual’s actions are reckless, they usually react too quickly and too aggressively. In addition, they find it difficult to control their anger. They can be too direct and too sharp in their interactions with other people, which leads them to quarrelsomeness and a constant readiness for physical confrontation. In general, the individual is too demanding and finds it difficult to control their impulses.