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Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

GLYPH MEANING The human spirit, represented by the circle, is above the material world, which is represented by the cross. Together they symbolize that the human spirit is incarnated on Earth, meaning that it depends on the material world for its existence; at the same time, it is above it, as the spirit is eternal and therefore transcends the limitations of the material world.


DOMICILE Libra (Taurus)



FALL Virgo

KEYWORDS Love. Interpersonal relationships. Harmony. Unity. Equilibrium. Proportion. Esthetics. Art. Sociability. Charm. Manners. Tact. Kindness. Attractiveness. Beauty. Eroticism. Refinement. Luxury. Pleasure. Vanity. Desire. Worth. Values. Possessions. Sweetness.


In astronomy, Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky, right after the Moon. From the Earth's perspective, it is never more than 48° away from the Sun, which means that it is invisible most of the time. When it is at a sufficient distance from the Sun, it can be seen most clearly just before sunrise or a little after sunset, when it is at its brightest. Because it resembles a star at those times, it is also known as "the morning star" and "the evening star". Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates backward.

In mythology, the characteristics of Venus are personified by the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus, both famous as patrons of love and beauty. They are also associated with pleasure, desire, passion, procreation, sexuality, fertility, prosperity, and victory.

In astrology, Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It shows us how we build relationships and seek compromise with others. These abilities are often conditioned by a healthy sense of self-worth and by our personal values, both of which also fall under the domain of this planet. Venus shows us what we love, what we enjoy, and how much we value ourselves. In addition, it is the significator of our sense of beauty and harmony. Due to the relatively small extreme distance from the Sun, Venus is never more than two signs away from it. This means it can either be in the same sign as the Sun, the preceding two, or the following two.


Venus is the significator of our personal relationships, both romantic and platonic. Venus shows how we establish relationships with others and what is our attitude towards relationships in general. It also tells us what we value in people and what kind of qualities we find attractive in potential partners. In addition, Venus tells us how we show respect and love to our partner and what is our "love language". An individual with Venus in a strong position in their birth chart finds it easy to build relationships with others as they are generally sociable, friendly, and charming people, therefore they easily attract potential partners. Venus in a weak position in the birth chart tells us that the individual's social skills are not that well developed, therefore they have difficulty establishing contacts with new people. As a result, they tend to be less sociable and less likely to get involved in romantic relationships. Sometimes they may lack a little tact, and in some cases, they are seen by others as cold and unpleasant.

Venus also describes our personal values, since we choose romantic partners according to our values. In addition, our personal values ​​are also closely linked to our sense of self-worth. The more we value ourselves, the more others value us. An individual with a strongly placed Venus has a well-developed sense of self-worth and therefore attracts people who see their value and appreciate them. If Venus is weak in the birth chart, the individual often has problems with self-confidence and an unhealthy self-image. If we suffer from low self-esteem, we are more likely to attract people who also don’t know how to appreciate us in the way we deserve. To a large extent, our self-image is also connected to external security, meaning our finances. With a strong Venus, we are confident, we believe in ourselves and in our abilities, so it is much easier for us to manifest financial security and well-being. An individual with a weak Venus lacks self-belief and doesn't think they deserve prosperity or having a nice life, so they have greater difficulty in obtaining these things.

Venus also represents our desires and the good side of life. It shows us what we like, what interests us, what attracts us, how we want to spend our free time, what we do for fun, and what kind of hobbies we have. In addition, it also represents our sense of beauty and pleasure. Venus shows our personal style, the way we take care of our appearance, and how much value we attach to these things. An individual with a strong Venus knows how to enjoy life, they indulge in beautiful things and experiences without hesitation because they believe they deserve them. They usually have a well-developed personal style and take good care of their appearance. They are willing to invest time and money in it because they believe that their outward appearance reflects their inner state; the more we value ourselves, the better care we take of ourselves and the more likely we are to treat ourselves to nice things. If Venus is weak, the individual is more on the modest side in terms of personal pleasure. They usually see pleasure as a waste of time and money, so they are less likely to spend money on such things. For the most part, they also don’t give enough importance to self-care and generally don’t care too much about their appearance.


A positively expressed Venus manifests as kindness and affection. The individual is polite, sociable, and charming. They are typically very sophisticated with a highly developed sense of aesthetics. They are seductive, physically attractive, and magnetic. They especially enjoy the good side of life and all material things. Typically, they also have a good eye for quality and expensive things. Their natural talents include establishing relationships, skills of negotiation and compromise, as well as a highly developed sense of justice.

A negatively expressed Venus manifests itself as excessive politeness and too much regard for what is socially acceptable. The individual is very flirtatious, charming, and attractive and knows how to use these qualities to their advantage. They may be too focused on the material side of life and pleasure. They are can also be vain and care too much about the outside appearance, both their own and other people's. In relationships, they can be jealous and demanding, or very insecure and too quick to compromise.


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