In this series, we are going to take a look at the animals that correspond with the archetype of each sign. First, we are going to present a few general characteristics of every sign and then we are going to list the animals that match the description. For each sign, we are going to present either specific animals that correspond with the archetype or a group of animals that share particular characteristics of the zodiac sign.
Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. This sign is known for its boldness and competitiveness, as well as being instinctual, fast and combative. So which animals share this energy?

The first animal on the list is, of course, a ram. This animal is traditionally associated with Aries. Why is that? Well, for starters, they are combative and competitive. They also have awesome horns, which they can use to ram others out of their way. It makes perfect sense.

This is the fastest aerial animal, the fastest animal in flight, the fastest bird and the overall fastest member of the animal kingdom. In short, they are simply the best. And so is Aries.

This group contains cheetahs, panthers, leopards and any other cats that are predators and therefore look like they could easily catch you and murder you just for fun. I'm not saying that Aries wants to murder you. I'm just saying that if they wanted to, they definitely could.

A few examples of the animals that are born with built-in weapons: cone snail (poisonous darts), mantis shrimp (claws), porcupine (sharp spikes), the Spanish ribbed newt (can use its ribs for stabbing). These animals are always ready for a fight. Born warriors, just like Aries.