GLYPH MEANING The ram’s horns symbolize the assertive and daring nature of Aries.
ARCHETYPES The warrior. The pioneer. The hero.
DATES March 20–April 21*
*the dates represent the first and the last possible day when the Sun can be in Aries and may vary depending on the year
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. As the first fire sign, Aries represents the initial spark of inspiration that drives us to action. In the sign of Aries, the soul is learning about independence and individuality. Aries helps the soul develop these traits with their courage and initiative.
As the first sign, Aries is the protagonist, who is primarily interested in their own story. Their wants and needs always come first. Think of a newborn baby, instinctively crying until it gets its needs met. Aries has the same instinct – whatever they want, they will go after, and they won’t stop until it is theirs. They have an active, fighting spirit. Aries is vital and full of energy, and, just like a little child, not afraid to try things. It’s like the idea that something might go wrong doesn’t even cross their mind. They will fail at some point, of course, but they will quickly pick themselves up and try again. Usually, they have to get burned several times before they learn their lesson.
Aries is very independent and dares to tread where others don’t. There is a daredevil living inside of them and they are drawn to danger like nobody else. They are warriors and need to fight for things, which is why going against the odds and succeeding makes them feel truly alive. They enjoy setting a seemingly impossible goal and pursuing it until they triumph, and they don’t mind the struggle. These qualities make them good leaders and pioneers. They are also dynamic, passionate, and brave, which makes them very inspiring to others. They want to be the first, the best, and the most (insert adjective) of them all. Other people admire their strength and fearlessness.
In relationships, Aries needs a little friction. They want a worthy opponent who is going to challenge them, or they will get bored quickly. They often get their best ideas whenever they are involved in a conflict that requires them to engage their competitive nature, but they need a partner who understands how they operate and won’t take things personally and resent them for it. Typically, Aries doesn’t hold grudges. They tend to move on from a conflict without talking about things first, which can be confusing to their partner. They have a childlike nature and a certain naivety, which means they have to repeat the same mistakes over and over until they get it right.
On the negative side, Aries is like a little child. They are so focused on their goals and problems, they often forget about everyone else. Such behavior is not intentional, but it will leave others feeling ignored. For the most part, Aries is not overly reliable and will only do things if and when it suits them. The spark that makes them go after the things they want can also make them brash and rude, doing and saying things without thought or awareness of how their actions might affect others. A lack of tact is a common issue for Aries.
When they find themselves in a non-stimulating environment, they get bored quickly. They have a lot of original ideas, but they lack the mental focus to develop them and do something really extraordinary. Their impulse is to make things happen, to get it done, now. But to do something is not the same as to do something well. They don’t have the patience to keep working on things, so their projects are often full of mistakes and imperfections. They just can’t be bothered to sit with a thought for too long because the spark in them constantly drives them to new, more exciting ideas.
Aries also doesn’t have the patience for people who are passive and don’t do anything. Emotional sensitivity and indecision repel them, which is why they don’t like to ask for help or show their weaknesses. Aries is supposed to be the strong one, after all, the leader and protector of others. Sometimes this means they don’t have direct access to their emotions, which makes it seem like they don’t care. In pursuit of their goals, they can be overly optimistic, too daring and, too quick to jump into things. Sometimes they are competitive, risk-taking, and bold just for the sake of showing everyone else that they truly are the first, the best and the most (insert adjective) of them all. They can’t stand defeat and refuse to be bossed around, which is what fuels their combativeness and competitiveness.
The most important life lesson Aries has to learn is related to their self-sufficiency and unwillingness to ask for help. Their outwardly assertive character is meant to hide their inner vulnerability. They are very used to doing things on their own and having to fight for the things they want, but they don’t realize there is another way. There is strength in numbers. Asking for help can make our life easier because we don’t have to do everything on our own. The problem is, Aries is supposed to be the leader and no one respects a leader who shows weakness. If Aries is meant to protect others, they can’t show fear or let anyone know they need help. Secretly they fear that others might lose trust in them, in which case there would be no one to lead, no one to protect, and no worthy cause for which Aries could fight.
Aries needs to look to its opposite sign Libra and learn how to establish relationships with others. Libra is the diplomat, the fair judge who seeks balance and harmony. Libra understands how important it is to listen to others and how important it is to make everyone feel heard. They also know how to be supportive of others and how to share the burden. Libra also understands that we all need each other because we all have something to give and we all need help with certain things. Relationships require a certain give and take so that both sides feel like they are getting something out of it. Aries needs to learn how to fight with a cause. By listening and taking others’ opinions into account, Aries can get inspired to set new, worthy goals and then bravely fight for them. The support of the people they will get in return will make them feel stronger and more confident. When they succeed, those same people are going to admire Aries as a hero, the brave warrior who fought for them and made it all better, which is going to make Aries feel like they are fulfilling their purpose. Aries can become their best self when they learn that they don't have to do everything on their own.