GLYPH MEANING The bull’s head symbolizes the strength and determination of Taurus.
ARCHETYPES The builder. The conservator. The hedonist.
DATES April 19–May 21*
HOUSE Second
* the dates represent the first and the last possible day when the Sun can be in Taurus and may vary depending on the year
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. As the first earth sign, Taurus represents a clod – a lump of earth that is difficult to break but carries the potential for fertility. In the sign of Taurus, the soul is learning how to build inner security and material stability. Taurus helps the soul develop these traits with their practicality and persistence.
This sign rules living in the physical world, making things concrete and building material safety and security. Taurus is grounded, steady, and reliable. They are aware of the realities of life, which is why they focus their energy on providing the necessary resources that allow them to exist in this world. They like predictability and consistency, which bring practical results. They are slow and careful in their decision-making, but once they decide on something, there is no going back. Their demeanor is usually very calm and you will rarely see them get nervous or visibly upset.
Taurus experiences life through their senses. This means they either constantly worry about having enough and saving their resources or they can be downright hedonistic, insisting on living large, even when their circumstances don’t allow them to do so. Taurus greatly appreciates the good side of life; a delicious meal, a music concert, expensive fragrances, massages, etc. Overall, they have great taste and a natural appreciation of beauty, balance, harmony, and proportion. They especially love high-quality products and luxury experiences of all kinds. Taurus is practical, so they understand that they have to put in some effort to be able to afford such things, which is why they are very focused, patient, and dedicated when it comes to working. They can persevere through anything thanks to their relentless will. They don’t give up no matter what and sometimes they keep working on things long after it's sensible. Such is their approach at work and in personal relationships.
In relationships, Taurus is constant, reliable, loyal, and unchanging. Above all, they want a peaceful life, so they look for a partner who will not cause drama or insist that Taurus change their life or themselves. They are security-oriented, so familiar people, places, and things play a central role in their life. They are hesitant to attach to new people or ideas, and it takes quite a while before they are ready to seriously commit. Breakups are also difficult for them for the same reason. Once they get used to someone, they don’t want to look for anyone new.
On the negative side, Taurus can be very rigid and stubborn. Making important decisions is very difficult for them since they usually resist change at all costs. This is why they sometimes get stuck in bad situations for far too long. They would almost rather stay and be miserable because at least it's familiar to them. They will ruminate for a long time and consider all the possible outcomes before finally making a choice. They are uncomfortable if they don't know what to expect or if there are no guaranteed outcomes. Taurus can also be incredibly incurious and closed-minded. They don't see the point of having new experiences or changing anything about themselves or their opinions. As far as they are concerned, they are good enough and what they know is good enough. They have also seen enough of the world, so don't try to convince them to go someplace new. Taurus will keep doing the same things over and over again, and the sooner you accept this, the easier it will be for you. They can be quite rigid and uncompromising in their thinking. Sometimes they are too conservative and set in their way, even if their views are outdated. They simply stick to what they know.
Taurus can also put too much focus on material possessions, which can manifest in different ways. The first option is that they will obsessively save their resources, count every penny, and refuse to throw anything away, even if they don't need or even want these things anymore because they see it as a waste. They will save everything, stuffing their home with things. Taurus is the collector of the zodiac. Or hoarder of the zodiac, depending on the quality of things. The other option is that they will spend all their money on beautiful things and nice experiences. They will enjoy life to the fullest, to the point of being extremely hedonistic and wasteful. They will only want the best and will not want to settle for a more reasonable option if given the opportunity.
Similarly, Taurus can also be quite picky and vain when it comes to the people in their life. They tend to judge others on their physical appearance or social status. It is not necessarily that they don't care about anything else, but they are so attuned to the physical realm, that they process everything through that lens first. If they find that part appealing enough, they are sometimes willing to overlook other things, such as a difficult personality, a lack of intelligence or emotional depth, etc. Once enough time has passed and they feel they have known a person long enough, they will start to consider them as theirs. This rule applies to anyone in their life, but especially their romantic partner. They can be quite possessive and jealous, especially if they are not sure where the other person stands.
The most important life lesson Taurus has to learn is related to their feeling of self-worth. Secretly they are afraid of losing security and stability in any form, which is why they cling to what they know for dear life. They worry about losing their money, their things, their partner, and their status. However, material possessions and security can become a prison if we give them too much importance because they deny us the opportunity for spiritual growth, for developing our inner security, and realizing what is really important.
Taurus needs to look to its opposite sign Scorpio and learn how to discover their true value. Scorpio understands that life can surprise us, that what we love can be taken away from us in an instant. When everything we love turns into a pile of ashes, the only thing we have left is ourselves. A time of crisis is also a gift because it allows us to discover what we are capable of and how to survive. Scorpio is a survivor with tremendous inner strength. They know that change is the only certainty in life. No other sign is as perceptive and insightful as Scorpio. Taurus needs to learn that true security is based on their personal value, not on the amount or value of things they accumulate. There is no point in being afraid of change and resisting it. If we bravely accept the challenges and problems life brings us, we can use them to develop indestructible inner strength and to grow spiritually. A time of crisis is also an opportunity to discover the treasures hidden within us: our values, our talents, and our sense of self-worth. Taurus can become their best self when they learn that what is valuable is inside them, not around them.