GLYPH MEANING The Roman numeral II symbolizes the need to connect and the dualistic nature of Gemini.
ARCHETYPES The communicator. The improviser. The comic.
DATES May 20–June 22*
MODALITY Mutable/Changeable
*the dates represent the first and the last possible day when the Sun can be in Gemini and may vary slightly depending on the year
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. As the first air sign, Gemini represents a gentle breeze, because it is restless, always moving and so very light. In the sign of Gemini, the soul is learning how to develop its mental and communicative abilities. Gemini helps the soul develop these traits with their curiosity and strong intellect.
Gemini loves all forms of communication - reading, writing, talking, texting, etc. This is the master of conversation. They are very charming, and if you get into a conversation with them, you don't need to worry about awkward silences. Gemini has a curious nature and the gift of the gab. They are also amazingly persuasive and could convince anyone into anything. Their intelligence, mixed with incredible imagination, means they are entertaining and compelling storytellers. In general, they like to keep things light and they can be quite goofy and silly in the company of others. They are cheerful, playful, and have a great sense of humor. Jokes and witty remarks are their signature.
Their character is flexible, they are capable of adapting to different types of people and different environments. They are very friendly by nature and need to be around people. This sign is always open to new experiences, so switching between different environments and meeting new people is very stimulating for them and keeps them engaged. They like variety, in life and in their conversations. This sign is all about exploring many different subjects from many different sides. They are not attached to any particular opinion. For them, it's more interesting to explore an idea, question it, and have a debate about it with someone. They have an active mind they can't turn off. They love reading about new subjects and using the information they learn in conversations to appear well-informed. In general, however, their knowledge tends to be broad, but superficial.
In relationships, Gemini prefers to keep things light. Intellectual compatibility and exchange of ideas is an important factor when choosing a partner. They need someone who won’t tire of long conversations and endless debates with them. In general, they are fun and entertaining partners. You will never be bored with a Gemini because they are always open to trying new things and exploring the world. Getting them to commit to you might be a challenge, though. They like variety and often they prefer dating around to settling down with someone. They like to be out and about and socialize with people, however, they don’t feel that they should always have to include their partner in these activities. Someone who is prepared to give them some space to socialize with others from time to time is ideal for Gemini.
On the negative side, Gemini is restless, both intellectually and emotionally. Their energy is fidgety and nervous. Constant mental activity often translates to general anxiety and hyperactivity. It's hard for them to stay concentrated on the same task or person for a long time. Staying in one place with the same people for too long makes them bored. In such situations, their playfulness can quickly turn into childish behavior. In general, they like to change their minds a lot and their interests never stay the same for too long. Their changeable nature also means that they have trouble deciding what to focus on professionally. It's common for Gemini to change their direction several times in life or to have a few different jobs simultaneously.
Another troublesome area for Gemini is their emotions. This sign tends to process everything intellectually, so when they find themselves in an emotional situation, it makes them extremely uncomfortable. They tend to intellectualize their emotions, which can be frustrating for their partner. When their partner wants to have an intimate conversation, Gemini will feel awkward and make a joke to keep things light. For that reason, Gemini often runs from commitment and tries to keep relationships casual. They have a reputation as the flirt and commitment-phobe of the zodiac.
Their talent for speaking also means that they have a hard time being quiet. The need for constant conversation can be very annoying to people who prefer a little silence now and then. Being overly talkative is the least of it, though. Another issue for Gemini is that their creative storytelling can often become too creative. They can twist the truth so effortlessly that you won't be sure what is real and what isn't. Some of them are accomplished liars and skilled manipulators. They can be untrustworthy and it's better to be careful around them because they are natural con artists. Sometimes their curiosity about other people turns them into gossips. It is also unlikely they will keep a secret.
The most important life lesson Gemini has to learn is related to the fact that the next idea is always more appealing to them than exploring one subject deeply. Their lack of focus causes them to constantly jump from one thing to another. Secretly they worry they are a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none.
Gemini needs to look to its opposite sign Sagittarius and learn how important it is to develop personal opinions and beliefs. Sagittarius understands the importance of beliefs. Like Gemini, Sagittarius is an explorer, always in search of great intellectual ideas. They are open to different ideas and worldviews. Their end goal, however, is to find something meaningful. When they discover an idea or a belief they like, they explore it and embrace it. It becomes the truth they build their lives around. Gemini needs to learn how to focus on a subject and research it deeply. Their ultimate intention should be to discover some answers. They are naturally inquisitive and always consider different sides of the argument. The problem is, that they can find valid reasons to argue for either side, so they are not particularly interested in choosing the side which aligns with their personal beliefs, because they don’t have any. In general, it is good to be skeptical and ask ourselves how much value different arguments hold before we commit to one, but we must choose a side in the end. We can't be everything, know everything, and believe in everything simultaneously. When Gemini knows what their truth is, they can argue for what they believe in, instead of focusing on simply outdebating other people. Gemini can become their best self when they learn how to use their intelligence to communicate with others about the things that matter to them, about their truth, and, consequently, changing the way the rest of us see and think about the world.