In this series of articles, we are going to take a look at the colors that correspond with every sign, based on the personality and general characteristics of each archetype. The chosen colors are the colors that every sign looks best in, finds most soothing or stimulating to be around, or that most accurately reflect the nature of a particular personality archetype. We are going to assign three colors to every sign and see what they can tell us about the sign.
Gemini is intellectually curious, changeable, and dualistic. This sign is always open to every option and prefers to remain undecided on most topics. Because of this, the best colors for Gemini would be the ones that have a bit of duality to them. The shades should be bright and happy to reflect Gemini's liveliness, joyfulness, and zest for life.

CHARTREUSE Shade: Chartreuse (DFFF00)
This color is a blend of yellow and green. Yellow is typically associated with freshness, cheerfulness, and intellect, while green is connected to growth and youthfulness. Gemini is youthful, happy, and curious, so this color perfectly reflects their nature.

OCHRE Shade: Saffron (F4C430)
Ochre contains both orange and brown. Orange represents change, stimulation, and fascination, while brown stands for friendliness and approachability, the traits typically associated with Gemini. A brighter shade of ochre is a good choice for them.

BLUE Shade: Azure (007FFF)
Blue is the color of intelligence, imagination, and expansiveness. As an air sign, Gemini is an intellectual, so it makes sense to associate it with this color. Their shade of blue is bright and lively, to reflect Gemini's wittiness, cheerfulness, lightness, and airiness.