In this series, we are going to take a look at the animals that correspond with the archetype of each sign. First, we are going to present a few general characteristics of every sign and then we are going to list the animals that match the description. For each sign, we are going to present either specific animals that correspond with the archetype or a group of animals that share particular characteristics of the zodiac sign.
Scorpio is the bogeyman of the zodiac. This sign is known for its self-protective and mysterious nature, as well as being kind of dangerous. So which animals share this energy?

A scorpion is this sign's traditional animal representative. It's not difficult to understand why: they have a hard shell on the outside and... who really knows what's on the inside? Like Scorpio, they're too scary and dangerous for most people to get close enough to find out.

You wouldn't think of a frog as a Scorpio animal but this is no regular frog. Just a touch can kill a human and a single frog has enough poison to kill ten grown ups. They are also very intelligent and they can remember a face. Just like Scorpio. So... stay away from them.

This group contains all animals that are terrifying and/or venomous, like snakes, spiders or bats. You only need a pair of eyes to know that you should definitely stay away from them. Check out this lizard (thorny devil). Or the vampire deer. Seriously, just stay away.

Any creature you would find at the bottom of the ocean. They live in the dark and keep to themselves. The fact that we don't know what most of them even look like also makes them mysterious. And whichever ones we do find are simply terrifying. So they definitely qualify.