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Aquarius: your lesson plan

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

In this series of articles, we are going to explore the zodiac signs from the karmic perspective. For a more in-depth explanation of my intention, read the article Zodiac signs and your lesson plan which explains how the zodiac signs are interpreted in karmic astrology.


Aquarius is the outsider. This archetype's main focus is to challenge the accepted norms and to affect change. If you were born with planetary placements in Aquarius, you are meant to live through particular experiences that will help you learn about the matters this sign represents.

Karmically speaking, Aquarius is encouraging you to go against what is considered normal, expected or acceptable. Aquarius is all about expressing themselves in their own unique way and affecting changes in their environment. You are supposed to embody this sign's energy and intentions in your current life.


- to be original and individualistic

- to be progressive and break barriers

- to defy the norms and be unconventional

- to work for the good of others

- to create many social connections

- to live in a fair, open-minded society

- to participate in group endeavors


Because in your previous incarnations, you didn't really get the chance to experience true equality and inclusivity. You have either lacked these traits yourself or you may have existed in an environment that didn't put much (or any) importance on these things, so you were either put above others or you somehow stood out from the crowd. Perhaps you never cared too much about others' rights. Maybe you never questioned your elevated status or you simply didn't use your influence to support others.

In other words, in your previous lives, the spotlight was on you. You were followed, admired and worshipped by others but you may have been completely blinded by the shine and you forgot that with great power comes great responsibility. Perhaps you enjoyed your status and you never thought to use your influence to make a positive change. Maybe you had significant talents and you enjoyed all the attention and the accolades they have brought you but they all came at a high price of your integrity or humanity. Maybe you could only stay special and keep your lifestyle by selling your soul in some way or by suppressing the rights of others. Maybe you were lacking in moral virtue or you simply didn't have the courage to create better conditions for others because you would have to do it at your own expense.

This kind of existence could have also left you with some deep wounds, namely thinking that you have to keep a certain public image to be liked by others. Perhaps you only feel safe when you are in the spotlight or when you are put above others. You may feel threatened if someone else gets praised instead of you or when you are not being given the special treatment; it might make you feel small, unimportant or replaceable. The challenge you have to face this time around is to get rid of the limiting beliefs you incarnated with and to heal this core wound that is keeping you stuck in your old patterns.


Try to do things differently this time around. Learn more about the sign of Aquarius and make a conscious effort to embody its positive qualities.

At the same time, you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to live your life unburdened by shallowness or the expectations of the public. Remember, this is new to you. You have never had the chance to be one of the people, free from high expectations that were put upon you. Until now, you couldn't be outspoken, inclusive and supportive of changes that would benefit everyone. By experiencing this perspective, your soul is trying to balance out what it has experienced so far.

On the other hand, you may also have to face some negative consequences that come with being the agent of change. You may have to deal with feeling like an outsider, being ostracised or being misunderstood. You may become the target of a lot of negativity or public shaming. Such challenges are a part of life but you don't have to feel like you are in the wrong. Change makes people uncomfortable so they are going to take out their fears and insecurities on those who initiate it. It is your turn to make the first step; eventually, others will follow.



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