In this series of articles, we are going to explore the zodiac signs from the karmic perspective. For a more in-depth explanation of my intention, read the article Zodiac signs and your lesson plan, which explains how the zodiac signs are interpreted in karmic astrology.
Capricorn is the provider. This archetype's main focus is to be successful and to create a stable and secure life. If you were born with planetary placements in Capricorn, you are meant to live through particular experiences that will help you learn about the matters this sign represents.
Karmically speaking, Capricorn is encouraging you to be self-sufficient and to accomplish everything you choose. Capricorn is all about proving their worth through diligence and hard work and reaching excellence in everything they choose to do. You are supposed to embody this sign's energy and intentions in your current life.
- to prove their skills through accomplishments
- to reach material stability and security
- to reap the rewards of their hard work
- to display responsible behavior
- to become respected and admired
- to become professionally successful
- to show patience and persistence
Because in your previous incarnations, you didn't really get the chance to experience personal accomplishments and success. You have either lacked these traits yourself or you may have existed in an environment that didn't put much (or any) importance on these things, so you settled for the role of the caretaker. Perhaps you never had to worry about material safety or professional success because someone else was taking care of you.
In other words, in your previous lives, you had to put aside your need for personal accomplishments and you had to dedicate your time to others, namely your family. Perhaps you had interests or goals that didn't match you family's expectations, so you had to give them up. Maybe you wanted to work and make something of yourself but were prevented to do so by the social expectations, according to which you had some other role. You may have been too afraid to take a chance on yourself, so you stayed at home and took care of your family. On the other hand, you might have been too sensitive and vulnerable to make it in the real world, so life made sure to protect you from such a path.
This kind of existence could have also left you with some deep wounds, namely not believing in your abilities and thinking that you are weak or incapable of achieving anything of real importance. Perhaps you see yourself as someone who couldn't survive without the help of others. The challenge you have to face this time around is to get rid of the limiting beliefs you incarnated with and to heal this core wound that is keeping you stuck in your old patterns.
Try to do things differently this time around. Learn more about the sign of Capricorn and make a conscious effort to embody its positive qualities.
At the same time, you shouldn't feel guilty about having ambitions that extend beyond taking care of home and family. Remember, you have never had the chance to go after your goals. It is your turn to experience what it is like to be admired and respected for your abilities and to have others look up to you. You are here to set the standard for others. By experiencing this perspective, your soul is trying to balance out what it has experienced so far.
On the other hand, you may also have to face some negative consequences that come with being at the top of your game. You may have to deal with jealousy or a lot of competition. You may feel under a lot of pressure because of the criticism aimed at you or a lack of privacy. Such challenges are a part of life but you don't have to feel bad about how capable and successful you are. It is your turn to reach excellence and receive the respect of others.