FIRE HOUSES: the houses of individuality and personal expression
The First, the Fifth, and the Ninth house

Fire represents the spiritual world. The fire houses describe the spiritual side of life; the development of our individuality and personality (H1), our personal expression and creativity (H5), as well as our personal principles, beliefs, and worldviews (H9).
EARTH HOUSES: the houses of material life, work, and achievements
The Second, the Sixth, and the Tenth house

Earth represents the material world. The earth houses describe the practical side of life; our money and property (H2), our daily life, which includes work, chores, and routines (H6), as well as our professional achievements and the fulfillment of our life purpose (H10).
AIR HOUSES: the houses of personal relationships and social contacts
The Third, the Seventh, and the Eleventh house

Air represents the intellectual world. The air houses describe the mental and social side of life; our contacts with our immediate surroundings, with our relatives and neighbors (H3), our personal relationships with other people, especially with our partner (H7), as well as our friends, acquaintances, and our wider social network (H11).
WATER HOUSES: the houses of privacy, intimacy, and sensitivity
The Fourth, the Eighth, and the Twelfth house

Water represents the emotional world. The water houses represent the emotional side of life; our privacy and family ties (H4), the intimacy in our partnerships (H8), as well as our subconscious impulses and our relationship to the spiritual and the invisible world (H12).