MODALITY Mutable/Changeable
KEYWORDS The subconscious. Self-reflection. Isolation. Losses. Sacrifices. Past life karma. The end of life. Sleep. Dreams. The invisible worlds. The other side. Imagination.
PLACES Closed institutions. Hospital. Prison. Monastery. Ashram. Distant lands. Asylum. Charitable organizations. Bedroom.
PEOPLE Hidden enemies. The deceased.
The Twelfth house originally belongs to Pisces, which means it is a negative mutable water house. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac; it represents the need for spiritual understanding of the world and leaving the unnecessary and limiting circumstances behind us. Like a person at the end of their life, who is reflecting about their own mortality and the deeper meaning of life experiences, Pisces is focused on understanding the interconnectedness of everything and everyone and offering compassion and emotional support to others.
Accordingly, the Twelfth house represents everything that is hidden from us, everything unconscious, isolation, losses, sacrifices, hidden enemies, diseases, addictions, and our karma. Due to the intangible nature of the matters of this house, this is one of the deepest and the most misunderstood astrological houses. At a first glance, it contains nothing but problems and negativity, however, this house combines in itself interesting extremes. Everything concrete and material becomes negative and problematic here but there is a point to all the difficult experiences and the suffering; namely, to encourage us to turn our back to the material world and to look within. By working on ourselves, we can reach beyond the physical world and discover the spiritual world. In this way, we can go from the lowest lows to the highest highs, where wisdom and the ability to conquer ourselves await us.
This house contains everything that is hidden from us and represents a blockage to us. This is where our blind spot is, all our weak points, and the invisible suffering. In this sense, the Twelfth house can give us information about our diseases of the non-physical nature, i.e., about the problems which arise from some type of psychological, mental, or emotional imbalance. This house hides all kinds of addictions and personal demons we must face, which don't have a clear origin. In this house, we can also find our hidden enemies and other people, who intentionally or unintentionally work at a cross-purpose to us.
The Twelfth house is the house that is the most hidden from the eyes of others, as well as from our own. This is a space of deep isolation because we must deal with its activities independently and in seclusion. This is where we can deepen our relationship to ourselves, where we can uncover our subconscious and where we can connect to something higher and bigger than ourselves. This is a space for self-reflection and working on ourselves, this is where we can develop our spirituality and where we can leave behind everything that doesn't serve us anymore, be it in a material, emotional, or mental sense.
The Twelfth house represents everything invisible, immaterial, and intangible. This includes all the "in-between states", when our body is in the real world and another part of us is somewhere else, connecting to worlds, which are not a part of the material reality. This is why this house also covers the process of incarnation and our birth, imagination, creativity, meditative states, mediumism and channelling messages from other worlds, the state of hypnosis, deep sleep and dream state, being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, as well as narcosis, comma, and passing on from life to the other side.
The planets located in the Twelfth house are hidden from us. Their energy is buried deep in our subconscious and usually we don't know how to express it correctly or we can't even reach it consciously. These planets represent our karma, our weak points that pull us back into the past, towards repeating the same mistakes and, in this way, prevent us from growing spiritually and moving on from negative patterns. In order to be able to use these planets, we must first explore our subconscious and discover why we don't have a direct access to their energy. This process usually requires a lot of isolation and self-reflexion.