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A quick guide to karmic analysis (part 2)

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

In the first part of this article, we have explored how to analyze the South node, which is a very crucial part of the karmic analysis. In the second part, we are going to focus on several other parts of the birth chart that can also be considered in the analysis. Some astrologers incorporate (some of) these into their analysis, while others don't. This entirely depends on every astrologer's personal style of analysis, however, each one of these points can give us extra information about the past life circumstances and their psychological consequences on the individual.


The Twelfth house represents the individual's subconscious, their weak points and their personal demons, which are blocking their personal growth. This is also the primary house of karma, so it can offer us useful information when we do past life analysis. The condition of this house can reveal what kind of behavioral patterns and subconscious memories the individual has brought forward from their past lives. In this sense, the Twelfth house represents the main theme that is connected to the individual's karma and the topics they need to deal with and try to resolve for their personal growth. The analysis of the Twelfth house also includes any planets that might be located in this house, as well as the condition of the house's planetary ruler and any aspects made by it.


Saturn represents the individual's karmic debts. Saturn's placement by sign and house can tell us in what life area (house) and in what manner (sign) the individual is required to make up for their past life mistakes. Saturn teaches the individual about patience and persistence by putting difficult challenges and obstacles on their path. Wherever Saturn is placed, that is where the individual needs to repeat their past life mistakes (usually several times), while staying persistent and putting in the work until they learn and finally make up for their past life wrongdoings. Saturn usually gives good results a little later in life, after the individual has learned to successfully integrate Saturn's lessons into their life. This planet is also strongly connected to the fears and self-limiting beliefs of the individual, which stem from their past life bad experiences, so Saturn can reveal the things towards which the individual feels a lot of resistance.


Pluto represents the subconscious emotional attachments in the individual, which are connected to their feeling of personal safety. It tells us what the individual is subconsciously holding on to out of insecurity, which stems from their negative past life experiences. Pluto can reveal to us the wound on the individual's soul, which has impacted the individual so deeply they still feel the consequences in their current lifetime. This wound also carries within itself an enormous potential because Pluto also represents our personal power, the one we discover in our darkest moments; when we face our personal fears and traumas and survive them, we can discover the source of our personal power in these experiences.


Chiron is an asteroid also known as "the wounded healer". This asteroid represents a deep wound or insecurity within the individual, which stems from their past lives. Chiron's position can tell us what has made the individual feel deeply insecure in their past life. Since this wound remains unhealed, it represents a constant pain in their current life, however, this wound has its purpose. Due to their experiences, the individual is especially sensitive about the issues their Chiron placement symbolizes, which is why they are able to recognize the same wound in other people and have the ability to help them better than anyone else. By offering their help to others, the individual is also working on healing their own wound.


If we divide the astrological houses using one of the unequal house systems (where the houses are of different sizes), then it is possible that some houses are so big that they contain several signs (the so-called intercepted signs) or that other houses are so small that they begin and end in the same sign (the so-called intercepted houses). These positions are supposed to represent the energy that is "caught" and therefore cannot be easily expressed. The reason for this are supposed to be the negative circumstances from past lives, which have prevented a clear expression of these signs' and houses' energies by the individual.


Planets that were in retrograde motion at the time of the individual's birth, represent parts of their psyche that couldn't be fully expressed in the past life. The individual expresses these planets in an unusual or different way. This is due to their past life experiences, when they couldn't express the planets' energy in a straightforward way, so they had to come up with a more internalized or a more unique way of expressing it. The individual brings this ability into their current life, so the way they express the planets' energy feels a little odd or unique to others, however, these placements can manifest as very special talents in the individual.


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