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Libra: your lesson plan

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

In this series of articles, we are going to explore the zodiac signs from the karmic perspective.

For a more in-depth explanation of my intention, read the article Zodiac signs and your lesson plan, which explains how the zodiac signs are interpreted in karmic astrology.


Libra is the peacekeeper. This archetype's main focus is the creation of beauty, harmony and peace in its environment. If you were born with planetary placements in Libra, you are meant to live through particular experiences that will help you learn about the matters this sign represents.

Karmically speaking, Libra is encouraging you to be more focused on others and to figure out a way to balance your needs with theirs. Libra is all about connecting with others in order to share and collaborate with them in a manner that is fair and balanced. You are supposed to embody this sign's energy and intentions in your current life.


- to be amicable, polite and gracious

- to establish new social connections

- to collaborate and share with others

- to create love, peace and harmony

- to be fair and just in your dealings

- to learn about healthy partnerships

- to experience refinement and culture


Because in your previous incarnations, you didn't really get the chance to experience a peaceful and harmonious life. You have either lacked these traits yourself or you may have existed in an environment that didn't put much (or any) importance on these things, so you could only get what you wanted or needed by being aggressive, loud, intimidating or ready for a fight. Perhaps you never had to worry about others' wants and needs because everyone always adapted to yours.

In other words, in your previous lives, you had to always be ready for combat. If you wanted something, you had to go and get it. You had no help from others, you simply had to find a way to reach your desired goals on your own. You may have had to face some extreme difficulties or challenges, so you had to be courageous, tough, uncompromising, combative or even aggressive. Your life was an ongoing battle and not winning it could have had serious or even fatal consequences for you. Perhaps you had to do some things you were not proud of, in the name of survival. Perhaps you were a leader who knew exactly how to get what you wanted, so no one ever dared to question you. Your survival was based on others' fear of you.

This kind of existence could have also left you with some deep wounds, namely a lack of trust in others, unwillingness to compromise or collaborate or having trouble with accepting help. You may want to have the last word or you have trouble with letting others contribute in any meaningful way. You may feel threatened whenever you have to compromise your vision. The challenge you have to face this time around is to get rid of the limiting beliefs you incarnated with and to heal this core wound that is keeping you stuck in your old patterns.


Try to do things differently this time around. Learn more about the sign of Libra and make a conscious effort to embody its positive qualities.

At the same time, you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to take it easier this time or wanting to have people in your corner. Remember, all of this is new for you; it may feel counterintuitive to trust others or to accept their help when you can't do everything on your own. It is your turn to experience what it is like to not have to do everything on your own, to not have to take the challenging path but instead to share the burden and join forces with someone. By experiencing this perspective, your soul is trying to balance out what it has experienced so far.

On the other hand, you may also have to face some negative consequences that come with wanting to be kind and considerate. You may have to deal with trying to harmonize too many different sides or opinions and with people expecting you to always find the perfect compromise that will leave all parties satisfied. You may be faced with the constant challenge of choosing politeness and fairness over conflict and fighting. Such challenges are a part of life but you don't have to feel bad about wanting a peaceful and harmonious life. It is your turn to put down your armor and find some peace.


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