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Sagittarius: your lesson plan

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

In this series of articles, we are going to explore the zodiac signs from a karmic perspective. For a more in-depth explanation of my intention, read the article Zodiac signs and your lesson plan, which explains how the zodiac signs are interpreted in karmic astrology.


Sagittarius is the explorer. This archetype's main focus is intellectual and spiritual expansion and finding meaning. If you were born with planetary placements in Sagittarius, you are meant to live through particular experiences that will help you learn about the matters this sign represents.

Karmically speaking, Sagittarius is encouraging you to be open to life and all the experience it has to offer. Sagittarius is all about being excited and curious about life, exploring the world, trying different things out and learning in order to grow and evolve. You are supposed to embody this sign's energy and intentions in your current life.


- to feel free and unbound

- to explore the world at large

- to learn the higher knowledge

- to find the deeper meaning of life

- to discover their personal calling

- to have undying faith and optimism

- to take risks and see them pay off


Because in your previous incarnations, you didn't really get the chance to experience an exciting and adventurous life. You have either lacked these traits yourself or you may have existed in an environment that didn't put much (or any) importance on these things, so you had to go about your monotonous, unexciting daily life and repress your natural wanderlust. Perhaps you never had the chance to explore or question your beliefs or you just never discovered a deeper meaning to your existence.

In other words, in your previous lives, you were going about your daily business and you never wondered if there is anything more to life. Conversely, you may have wanted more for yourself but there was simply no way for you to leave and discover a different kind of existence. Perhaps you always wanted to travel but you didn't have the means. You might have wanted to study or learn something but were prevented to do so because it was too expensive. Perhaps nobody thought you should be educated. There was a general lack of openness around you; openness to life, to opportunities, to different people or different worldviews. Your life wasn't as meaningful as you would have liked.

This kind of existence could have also left you with some deep wounds, namely thinking that you are stuck in your little life and that you can never get away. Perhaps you always feel like you are not as knowledgeable or worldly as you should be. You may not have much trust in the Universe, so you don't really dare to dream big because you expect to fail. Perhaps you believe your dream is not meant to become a reality. It is possible that you are prone to jumping from one thing to the next and never finding anything that really speaks to your soul. You may be good at many different things but not really great at anything. It is also possible that you are scattered and unfocused in general. The challenge you have to face this time around is to get rid of the limiting beliefs you incarnated with and to heal this core wound that is keeping you stuck in your old patterns.


Try to do things differently this time around. Learn more about the sign of Sagittarius and make a conscious effort to embody its positive qualities.

At the same time, you shouldn't feel guilty about feeling like you want to get away from what you know. Remember, you have never had the chance to live a meaningful life. It is your turn to experience what it is like to feel free, to go into the unknown and see what is waiting for you out there. You have to experience the excitement of not knowing what is going to happen next. By experiencing this perspective, your soul is merely trying to balance out what it has experienced so far.

On the other hand, you may also have to face some negative consequences that come with being a higher minded individual. You may have to deal with people who think you are too philosophical and lost in the clouds. You may be judged on your ideas and theories or others may have a lot to say about your beliefs. Some people may be jealous that you have enough courage to take a chance on your dreams. Such challenges are a part of life but you don't have to feel bad about the fact that you want more from your life. It is your turn to have luck on your side.


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