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About astrology, its traditions, and disciplines

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

Astrology is simultaneously a symbolic language, a method of divination, a science, and art, which explores the connection between the positions of planetary bodies and the events on Earth, according to the principle "as above, so below". The planets don't "cause" events, rather there is a correlation between astronomical positions and the events happening on Earth. The knowledge of astrology is very useful because it helps us understand ourselves and others. At the same time, it can help us find an appropriate career, improve our health, personal relationships, etc. The deeper we understand it, the deeper our insight into our personality, potential, and life purpose can be.

The oldest astrology texts are at least 4 000 years old. They have their origins in the calendar systems which were used by people to follow the seasonal changes. The oldest attempts at following such changes have been written on bones and cave walls. These records prove that people have been aware of the lunar cycles about 25 000 years ago. Eventually, the system became more and more complex. Astrology has long been synonymous with astronomy because it was focused on the observation of planetary bodies. Initially, it was used primarily to calculate auspicious days for important events, such as royal weddings or important state affairs.

The first evidence that points to the use of astrology originates from Babylon around 2 Millenium BC. The Babylonians understood the positions of planetary bodies as signs pointing to upcoming events, not as the cause of these events. Chinese astrology also developed during the same time period.

In 1 Millenium BC Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. The city of Alexandria, which was built in his honor, became the scientific and cultural centre. There, the Babylonian tradition mixed with the Egyptian and horoscopic astrology was born. The astrological chart (a.k.a. the horoscope) is a visual representation of astronomical positions of planetary bodies at a specific time. The most famous astrologer of this era is Ptolemy who lived in Alexandria. His work Tetrabiblos is the basis of the Western tradition of astrology and has been highly regarded among the astrologers of the day and the following generations of astrologers.

When Alexander the Great conquered Asia, the Greeks became acquainted with the ideas from Syria, Babylon, Persia, and central Asia. The Greek influence brought these astrological theories all the way to Rome. The first Roman texts about astrology belong to the orator Cato.

In the Middle Ages, astrology blossomed. Many different traditions have been established, for example, the Hindu (or Vedic) tradition, as well as the Islamic and European tradition. Many important astrological works have been written in this era. Medieval astrology was used in every aspect of life, even for medical purposes. In this time period, astrologers perfected many predictive techniques. The most famous astrologer of this era is Nostradamus.

In Renassaince, it was completely natural for rulers to have a court astrologer. Astrology had close connections to religion, magic, and science. Especially in England, it reached its peak at this time. People would use astrology to choose an auspicious time for every important action. It was widely used in agriculture, meteorology, and even medicine. Astrologers were theoreticians, explorers, and counselors. The most renowned astrologers of this era are Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei.

During the Enlightenment era, the interest in astrology declined. It was revived, however, in the 19th century due to a general interest in spirituality and modern philosophy. The popularity of astrology was also aided by short predictions published in newspapers. In the late 19th century, astrologers like Alan Leo used astrology primarily to interpret the character of a person.

In the early 20th century, Carl Jung began to use astrology in his practice, which led to the development of a new discipline, i.e. psychological astrology. Astrology experienced a resurgence in the 60s and 70s when astrologers founded many important astrological organizations. Leading 20th-century astrologers include Dane Rudhyar, Marc Edmund Jones, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Robert Hand, and Steven Forrest. In the 1980s, the interest of astrologers shifted to the revival and exploration of traditional astrology. In recent decades, the astrological world has been focused on the synthesis of modern and traditional astrological techniques.


Babylonian astrology is the oldest of all traditions. The Babylonians noticed a connection between the movement of celestial bodies and events in nature. By observing the Sun, the Moon, the five visible planets, and certain fixed stars, they tried to perfect the system of interpretation.

Hellenistic astrology is the first tradition of the so-called horoscopic astrology. With the introduction of the use of the Ascendant and the twelve houses, it was possible to “measure” time, and create a chart for a specific moment. Astrology has shifted its focus to making birth charts and the interpretation of personality. The system of interpretation became very complex and sophisticated.

Western astrology is a tradition practiced in Western civilization. It developed on the basis of the Babylonian and Hellenistic traditions, however, it also added new elements to this knowledge, e.g. modern planets, chart angles, and asteroids.

Vedic astrology is most prevalent in India. This tradition uses a different type of zodiac, i.e. sidereal zodiac. Although it uses similar basic building blocks as the Hellenistic tradition, the techniques used in chart analysis are very different.

Chinese astrology is closely related to the principles of Chinese philosophy and uses completely different building blocks: twelve earthly branches (animal signs), five elements, 10 celestial trunks, and the principles of yin and yang. The birth sign of an individual is determined by the year of birth.


Natal astrology: Analysis of an individual's birth chart, which provides insight into their personality, potential, life circumstances, and life purpose.

Psychological astrology/Astropsychology: Birth chart analysis with emphasis on the psychological patterns of the individual. This discipline combines astrological principles with the knowledge of psychology and psychotherapy.

Evolutionary/Karmic astrology: Birth chart analysis that takes into account the principle of soul reincarnation and soul evolution through lifetimes. Evolutionary astrology reveals what kind of karma the individual was born with, what issues and personal patterns they bring forth from previous lives, and what kind of lessons they must learn in this reincarnation. In the interpretation, the astrologer offers an explanation as to why the individual in this life found themselves in a certain position, on a certain life path, in a certain relationship, etc. This type of analysis helps us uncover deeper causes for our negative behavioral patterns. Once we understand their origins, we can start to work on resolving them. In this manner, evolutionary astrology contributes to an individual’s personal growth, which is the main focus of this type of astrology.

Predictive astrology: Prediction of future events using special techniques that are applied to the birth chart.

Synastry: Astrology of relationships. By analyzing the birth charts of two people, we can find out what their relationship is like, how the two people influence each other, in which areas they help each other or get in each other's way, what kind of problems they face together, etc. The analysis of special charts gives us an insight into the nature of the relationship itself. On top of that, we can also discover what the purpose of the relationship is for both individuals. Synastry explores relationships of all kinds, be it personal, business, or family relationships, between two or even several individuals.

Medical astrology: The astrologer creates a chart for the moment when an illness has occurred. The chart helps us uncover and understand the deeper causes of the disease. It shows us what kind of imbalance is happening in the body, what the body is lacking, etc. Based on the chart, the astrologer advises suitable homeopathic remedies to relieve the symptoms.

Horary astrology: Finding a YES or NO answer to a specific question. The astrologer draws a chart for the moment the question was asked, and then uses special techniques to analyze the chart and answer your question with a YES or a NO.

Elective astrology: The selection of an appropriate time for taking action. The individual selects two or three dates, and the astrologer will suggest the most appropriate of the chosen dates and an appropriate time to begin the desired activity. The astrologer takes into account the positions of the planets, as different purposes require different planetary conditions. This discipline of astrology is mostly used for important life events, e.g. for choosing a wedding date, buying an apartment, starting a business, etc. By choosing the most appropriate time, we can ensure the success of the action, e.g. a long and happy marriage, prevention of potential problems, business success, etc.

Geographic astrology/Astrocartography: By analyzing a special astrological chart, we can determine the most suitable cities and countries for travel, work, relocation, and more. The geographical chart is drawn according to the birth chart and is unique for every person. With it, we can determine which places would be most suitable or pleasant for an individual, and, conversely, where they can expect problems or unpleasant experiences.

Mundane astrology: By observing planetary relationships, the astrologer tries to determine what changes and world events we can expect to happen on a collective level, e.g. times of crises, technological progress, general political climate, etc. To determine potential outcomes, the astrologer analyzes and studies previous historical periods with the same configurations of planets.

Birth chart rectification: To calculate and interpret the birth chart, it is necessary to know the exact time of birth. If an individual does not have this information, an astrologer can try to determine the time of birth with a rectification. This means that the individual compiles a list of important life events with dates, which should be as accurate as possible. The astrologer then uses predictive techniques to try to determine which time of birth most closely matches the timing of given events.



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