In astrology, we analyze the chart by combining the symbolic meanings of different astrological building blocks and figuring out what they are trying to tell us. The basic building blocks in astrology are the signs, the planets, and the houses. During the astrological analysis, the astrologer tries to decipher the true meaning of the symbols by combining the twelve signs with the ten planets and the twelve houses. If we combine every symbolic meaning between each other, we get 1440 different meanings. If you are barely starting to learn about astrology and the principles of chart analysis, this can seem like an almost impossible task, as learning about - and truly understanding - the meaning of so many different combinations seems like a never-ending process.
In truth, there is a certain correlation between the signs, the planets, and the houses. Each sign is symbolically connected to one house and one planet. Knowing this piece of information makes reading a chart much easier because we only need to know the twelve meanings of the signs, which we then also apply to the planets and the houses. This correlation is also known as the astrological alphabet.
According to the rules of the astrological alphabet, there is a correlation between the First house, the first astrological sign, and the planet, which is the ruler of that sign. The same is true of the Second house, the second astrological sign, and the planet that rules it. In this way, we create an "alphabet" consisting of twelve "letters":
First house - Aries - Mars
Second house - Taurus - Venus
Third house - Gemini - Mercury
Fourth house - Cancer - Moon
Fifth house - Leo - Sun
Sixth house - Virgo - Mercury
Seventh house - Libra - Venus
Eighth house - Scorpio - Pluto
Ninth house - Sagittarius - Jupiter
Tenth house - Capricorn - Saturn
Eleventh house - Aquarius - Uranus
Twelfth house - Pisces - Neptune
As an example, let's take a look at the seventh "letter" of the alphabet. The seventh sign of the zodiac is Libra. This sign is symbolically connected to the Seventh house and to Venus, which is Libra's planetary ruler. While these three symbols share a similar meaning, there are also some important differences between them.
The house represents a specific life area, so it tells us where the action of the planet will be taking place. For example, the Seventh house represents our partnerships, of both personal and professional kind. In other words, this house represents the relationship between us and another person. This relationship is based on equality and is a type of agreement between two individuals that gives both parties certain rights and obligations.
The sign represents the individual's approach to a certain life area. In other words, it tells us how we do something. Wherever we find the sign of Libra in the chart, this is the life area we approach as a Libra, meaning we are diplomatic, polite, kind, and always striving for fairness and equality. On the other hand, this is the life area where we may be too agreeable and too quick to make compromises, mainly because we would rather avoid conflicts and maintain a cordial relationship with another person.
The planet represents one of our inner impulses, so it tells us what we show to others. The sign and the house in which the planet is located tell us more precisely how this planet functions in our life. Venus, for example, shows what is attractive about us and where our charm lies. It also describes our negotiating skills, our attitude towards relationships, and the qualities we find desirable in a partner. It also represents our values, it shows what we value, it is an indicator of our sense of esthetics and it shows what we find enjoyable. On top of all that, it also describes our finances and our material desires. The house where Venus is located tells us in which life area the individual is going to express all of the above. The sign tells us in what kind of way they will express these qualities.
Although there are certain similarities between the three symbols we looked at, they also differ from each other in many ways. The astrological alphabet can be extremely helpful when we are first learning about the meanings of the astrological symbols but it is also important to be aware of its limitations, as there are always important differences between the three corresponding symbols. To really know and understand the astrological symbols and to be able to successfully analyze a birth chart, we must know how to differentiate between the symbolism of the house, the sign, and the planet.