The Ascendant (or the AC) is the easternmost point of the astrological chart. This is the cusp of the First house. It represents the individual's relationship to the world and the face they show to the world. The sign on the Ascendant tells us what kind of first impression the individual makes and how they express their personality outwardly.
The Ascendant is the filter, through which our personality shines outwardly. The planets in the chart reveal to us a lot about the individual’s personality, however, all their characteristics may not be visible on the outside. Depending on the compatibility of the sign on the Ascendant and the rest of the chart, we can determine, whether the first impression is going to accurately reflect the individual’s actual personality or if there is going to be a significant difference between the two.
The Ascendant, therefore, show us what kind of a first impression the individual makes. Usually, it describes something about the individual that is noticeable at a first glance or at the first interaction with them. We can often recognize the Ascendant sign by something the individual shows or does subconsciously. This is their mask; their outward persona, their typical approach, and the impression they wish to make on others.
The Ascendant also represents our physical appearance. It describes the individual’s physical constitution, as well as their appearance, meaning how well-groomed the individual is and how much they care about their appearance in general. The Ascendant represents their personal style.
Based on the element of the Ascendant, we can determine more specifically which qualities the individual will show outwardly:
fire Ascendants give an extraverted impression. Typically, they are confident, lively, and spontaneous in their expression. They are recognizable by their warmth, as well as their well-meaning and open nature. They tend to attract the attention and admiration of others fairly easily;
air Ascendants stand out for their obvious intelligence and excellent communicative skills. They are typically chatty, curious, and willing to engage with their surroundings. They are recognizable by their fast movements. They are physically restless and move around a lot;
earth Ascendants are recognizable by their practical and efficient approach, which stems from the fact they don’t like to waste time, instead, they want results. They can be more reticent and quiet. They don’t move unnecessarily, which gives off the impression of calmness, focus, and self-control;
water Ascendants lead with their emotions, which means they can be somewhat reticent. Their approach to other people is very careful. They can also be very sensitive and self-protective, which is why they tend to quietly observe in order to feel out their surroundings.