The Midheaven (or the MC) is the highest point of the astrological chart. Another name for it is Medium Coeli. This is the cusp of the Tenth house; it represents the individual’s pursuit of success and their need for outer confirmation. The sign on the Midheaven tells us in what way does the individual strive to achieve success and social status, as well as how they want to be seen by others. It can also show us which area the individual's career path will be related to.
The Midheaven is located at the top of the chart. Symbolically, this point is the most difficult to reach, therefore, it represents our biggest life ambitions and everything that takes a long time to achieve. It tells us what is the hardest for the individual to achieve, what is the most important to them, and in what manner they go about reaching their desired goals.
The Midheaven is the most visible point of the chart, so it also represents our reputation and our social status. It tells us what we are most known for in society and what is the impression we leave on the general public. This includes those who know us well, our casual acquaintainces, as well as those who have only heard of us but have never met us in person.
The Midheaven is also connected to the individual’s professional path because our profession is one of those things the general public usually knows about us. The sign can give us more information about our career path and our reasons for choosing it because it tells us which aspects of our career are the most important to us.
Based on the element of the Midheaven, we can determine more specifically which life goals the individual will strive towards:
Fire Midheaven tells us that the individual cares a lot about the impression they leave on others, as well as about expressing their individuality, and confidently pursuing their personal goals. When it comes to their goals, they are very confident, enthusiastic, and fiery. They are known for their extroverted nature, their confidence, and their openness. Usually, they attract the admiration of others and easily find themselves in the center of everyone’s attention.
Air Midheaven individual is known for their intelligence. It is important to the individual that they show their intellectual abilities. They are considerate and prudent in reaching their goals. They are known for their communicativeness, chattiness, and curiosity. They also like to connect to other people. The individual is dynamic and able to do several things simultaneously, as well as capable of changing their goals several times.
Earth Midheaven gives practicality and efficiency to the individual. As far as their goals go, they don’t like to waste time, instead, they want to achieve concrete results. They are known for their responsible and reliable nature. They are very committed to their ambitions, which can lead them into becoming workaholics. They keep making new, long-term goals they are determined to achieve.
Water Midheaven individual wants to show their sensitivity and caring nature. They are very emotionally connected to their goals because they tend to follow their heart in this area. They invest a lot of themselves into their goals, so it is important to them that their goals be meaningful. They are known for their sensitivity and compassion towards others. Above all, they wish to help others and change the world for the better.