GLYPH MEANING The circle represents the human spirit; it rises above the material world, symbolized by the cross; the crescent at the top represents the soul. Together, they symbolize that the human spirit acts as an intermediary, relaying information between the material and the divine world. The spirit receives information from the divine world and transmits it to the material world or vice versa - it can transform the information it receives from the material world into something that reflects the divine.
DOMICILE Gemini (Virgo)
DETRIMENT Sagittarius
FALL Pisces
KEYWORDS Communication. Language. Writing. Handwriting. Voice. Speech. Hearing. Sense of smell. Eyesight. Memory. Learning. Comprehension. Knowledge. Skills. Thoughts. The mind. Intelligence. Logic. Rationality. Curiosity. Slyness. Wit. Coordination. Orientation.
In astronomy, Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It is also the fastest of all the planets in our Solar System. Like the Moon, Mercury goes through phases and changes its “face”. From the point of view of the Earth, it is never more than 28° away from the Sun, which means it is invisible most of the time. Whenever it is at an extreme distance from the Sun, it can be seen when it rises (just before the sunrise) and when it sets (just after the sunset).
In mythology, the characteristics of Mercury are personified by the Greek god Hermes and the Roman god Mercury, who are divine messengers. In addition, they are considered as the patrons of trade, crafts, messages, communication, borders, happiness, trickery, merchants, travelers, speakers, and thieves. Hermes is also known to guide souls to the underworld and accompany them to the afterlife.
In astrology, Mercury is often considered to be the least interesting of the personal planets, even though it is extremely important, perhaps even more so than all the others. Besides the Moon, Mercury is the other planet whose energy we express on a daily basis, as it is absolutely necessary for life in the modern world. Mercury describes our verbal expression, logical thinking, and memory, as well as our coordinative abilities and sense of orientation. Due to the small extreme distance from the Sun, Mercury can only be one sign away from it, which means it is located in the same sign as the Sun, in the one before, or the one after.
Mercury represents our communicative abilities. It shows how we express ourselves verbally and describes the quality of our voice. In addition, it also represents our written expression, as well as the quality and legibility of the individual's handwriting. An individual with a strong Mercury in their birth chart is a master of verbal expression, on top of which they can also be witty and funny. They often have the gift of mimicry and are very skilled at imitating others. They can also be very convincing in expressing their opinions and able to easily "sell" their ideas to others. If Mercury is weak in the birth chart, this tells us that the individual has difficulty communicating. Their thoughts are confused and often expressed unclearly, which leads to misunderstandings with others. They are usually not very talkative and don’t enjoy debates or polite conversations. In more extreme cases, they may have speech and language disorders.
Mercury is also the planet that represents the individual’s intellect. The condition of Mercury in the birth chart tells us how the individual perceives logically, how they learn and how they process information. Mercury tells us what type of intelligence the individual has and what stimulates them to learn. It also shows us how much interest they have in acquiring new knowledge and how eager they are to grow intellectually. In addition, it also tells us how strong the individual’s memory is and how broad their general knowledge is. A strong Mercury shows us that the individual doesn't have major problems with any of the above. They are usually receptive and learn quickly, besides which they also have a great memory. They are good at making mental connections, as well as curious, and normally enjoy expanding their knowledge. A weak Mercury can mean that the individual has difficulty learning, as well as retaining the obtained information, and is generally unable to make connections between different ideas. They are usually not very curious and don't have much interest in acquiring any knowledge that is not absolutely necessary.
Mercury also describes how well developed our senses are, as it also represents our ability to perceive physically. A strong Mercury gives the individual abilities of perception that are higher than average. For example, the individual may have a highly developed sense of hearing and therefore finds it easier to detect even the smallest sounds. As a result, they can also be more sensitive to sound and find it difficult to tolerate loud environments. Mercury is also associated with our sense of coordination. If an individual has a strong Mercury, they are able to successfully multi-task, so they usually do well in activities that require a lot of concentration and fast processing of information. A strong Mercury also shows that the individual has a good spatial orientation. If Mercury is weak in the birth chart, this tells us that the individual may have major problems with all of the above. Their abilities of perception are less developed, sometimes they may even have problems with a particular sensory organ. A weak Mercury also suggests that the individual isn't very good at tasks that require a quick response or good coordination. In addition, they can also have a poor sense of orientation and tend to get lost easily.
A positively expressed Mercury manifests itself as curiosity, talkativeness, and an intelligent mind. The individual is bright, learns quickly, and more often than not is also very witty. They are usually lively, youthful, charming, and light-hearted. Typically, they speak with their hands. In addition, they also have a well-developed sense of coordination and an excellent memory. They are flexible in their thinking and open to different views. The individual is distinguished by their intelligence and highly developed communicative skills. They can also be a master of irony and satire.
A negatively expressed Mercury can manifest as unreliability, changeability, cunning, excessive talkativeness, and gossiping. The individual can also be an excellent liar and con artist. Their thinking can be overly logical and rational, or even completely devoid of emotions. They can be acerbic and sarcastic in their expression, and at times downright vicious. It is typical for them to change their mind several times, as well as their life direction or personal opinions. It is usually difficult for them to turn off their thoughts. They are also characterized by physical restlessness and often hyperactivity.