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Planetary dignities

Writer's picture: AlenkaAlenka

Planets in different signs express their characteristics in different ways, depending on how successfully each sign expresses a particular impulse. Based on that, there are a few special positions in the signs for individual planets. Each planet has four such positions: home/domicile, detriment/exile, exaltation, and fall. Domicile and exaltation are dignified positions, which means the planet is strong in these signs and therefore able to clearly express its characteristics. In contrast, detriment and fall are debilitated positions, which means that the planet is weak in these signs and therefore finds it difficult to express its characteristics.


Domicile is the strongest position of a planet, which means that the characteristics of the planet are most strongly and most clearly expressed in this particular sign. The planet feels "at home" in the sign of its domicile, so its expression is very natural and genuine, without hesitation or restrictions. The planet in its domicile has all the necessary properties to successfully express its energy. This means the planet usually does not have to make a special effort to achieve what it wants in the areas it represents. As a result, it may be too quickly satisfied and somewhat passive when it comes to life’s challenges. This is why the planet in its domicile can be uninterested in further development and personal growth.

Exaltation is the position of a planet, in which its characteristics are also very clearly expressed, but the planet expresses its properties in a slightly more sophisticated way than in the sign of its domicile. The psychological characteristics of the sign in which a planet is exalted are such, that the characteristics of the planet are expressed in a somewhat exaggerated or expansive way when it is located in this sign. The planet in exaltation is therefore particularly strong, distinctive, and efficient. As a result, the characteristics of the planet can be expressed and used to the maximum degree. The exact point at which a planet is exalted is at a certain degree of a sign, but we consider the planet to be exalted whenever it is in that sign.


Detriment is the weakest position of a planet. This means that the characteristics of the planet cannot be expressed in this sign as they are not in line with the psychological characteristics of the sign. In the sign of its detriment, the planet feels blocked, uncomfortable, incompetent, and insecure, so it is forced to find a new way to express its energy. As a result, its expression is unusual and stands out from the average, which also means that it has the potential to develop certain special talents. A planet is in its detriment when it is located in the opposite sign of its domicile.

Fall is the position of a planet in which the expression of its characteristics is severely limited. A planet in its fall is somewhat "awkward" in its expression, so it is often misunderstood by others. In order to achieve the same result as a planet in a more favorable sign, a planet in its fall needs to invest much more time and energy, and often a slightly different approach. As a result, it tends to develop a somewhat unusual expression. The planet is in its fall when it is located in the opposite sign of its exaltation. The exact point at which a planet is in its fall is at a certain degree of a sign, but we consider the planet to be in its fall whenever it is in that sign.

*some modern astrologers believe that Mercury is exalted in Aquarius and has its fall in Leo

What about the outer planets?

Since the discovery of the outer planets, the question of their planetary dignities arose. The opinions on that differ somewhat, so the following dignities are not yet generally accepted.


Whenever a planet gains strength not based on the sign it is in, but based on other factors, we say it is accidentally dignified. A planet can become accidentally dignified in different ways, e.g., when it is located on an angle; when it is in direct motion; when it makes an easy aspect to a benefic; when it is not combust; or when it conjoins one of the benefic fixed stars.


A planet is accidentally debilitated when it is in positions that make it weaker, e.g., when it is in retrograde motion; when it makes a difficult aspect to a malefic; when it is combust; or when it conjoins one of the malefic fixed stars.


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