In this series of articles, we are going to explore the zodiac signs from the karmic perspective.
For a more in-depth explanation of my intention, read the article Zodiac signs and your lesson plan which explains how the zodiac signs are interpreted in karmic astrology.
Scorpio is the survivor. This archetype's main focus is facing challenges and becoming stronger in the process. If you were born with planetary placements in Scorpio, you are meant to live through particular experiences that will help you learn about the matters this sign represents.
Karmically speaking, Scorpio is encouraging you to not be stuck in your ways and to take some risks in life. This sign is all about exploring the dark side of life, conquering their own fears and making it through the tough times thanks to their resilience and their personal will. You are supposed to embody this sign's energy and intentions in your current life.
- to discover their personal power
- to face their fears and insecurities
- to survive difficulties and to thrive
- to explore their emotional depths
- to seek privacy and regular alone time
- to experience deep intimacy and bonding
- to be emotionally vulnerable and honest
Because in your previous incarnations, you didn't really get the chance to experience a life full of passion and depth. You have either lacked these traits yourself or you may have existed in an environment that didn't put much (or any) importance on these things, so all you could do was live a repetitive, boring, risk-free existence. Perhaps you never had the chance to express your depth, your passion or your sexuality or you didn't get to go after the things or relationships you wanted.
In other words, in your previous lives, you were stuck in an immovable situation. You might have been limited by your environment or perhaps you kept yourself stuck in situations that were emotionally unfulfilling. You may have existed in an environment that was apathetic and risk-averse or that put too much emphasis on stability and material comforts. Perhaps these traits had been deeply ingrained within you, so you chose not to do anything that would require you to struggle or make you give up your comforts, even if all the sacrifices would be worth it in the end. Perhaps you had a lot of passion but not the necessary courage to follow them. You may have chosen money over love or you decided to sacrifice your truth and integrity in exchange for money and security. Perhaps you chose the easy way out and lived with deep regret.
This kind of existence could have also left you with some deep wounds, namely avoiding true passion and intimacy or believing that security equals material things instead of true connection and deep passion. Perhaps you just prefer an uncomplicated life, so you don't involve yourself into anything complicated, deep or risky. You might feel deeply insecure whenever you are out of your comfort zone, so you stick to things and experiences that are safe but ultimately unfulfilling. The challenge you have to face this time around is to get rid of the limiting beliefs you incarnated with and to heal this core wound that is keeping you stuck in your old patterns.
Try to do things differently this time around. Learn more about the sign of Scorpio and make a conscious effort to embody its positive qualities.
At the same time, you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting depth in your life. Remember, you have not had the opportunity or the courage to do this before. It may be scary and it may make you feel vulnerable and exposed but you owe it to yourself to get to know yourself deeply. It is your turn to experience what it is like to truly commit yourself to someone or something and to feel true passion regardless of the consequences. By experiencing this perspective, your soul is trying to balance out what it has experienced so far.
On the other hand, you may also have to face some negative consequences that come with passion and intensity. You may have to deal with disapproval or judgments from those who choose to avoid risk because they are afraid of the negative consequences. They may try to actively discourage you from taking risks because they are projecting their own fears and insecurities on you. Such challenges are a part of life but you don't have to feel bad about taking risks because you want more out of your life. It is your turn to discover what you are really made of.