A lot of people are aware that the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant represent the most important parts of the birth chart. Some people also know what this primary triad of symbols represents in general and some of them might even know what their three placements are, as well as the interpretation that goes with it. I would guess, however, that not too many people could explain why they have those exact placements. Have you ever wondered the same about your placements? If there is some kind of order to the way the Universe works (and, therefore, to our individual lives) and if this order is symbolized in your birth chart, then those three placements can't be a mere coincidence, can they? In fact, there is a very specific reason why you have your primary triad in particular signs: they are connected to your past lives.
In mainstream astrology, these three placements represent the core parts of your personality in this lifetime: the Sun represents who you are as an individual and what is your personal calling; the Moon describes your emotional nature, as well as what makes you feel safe and secure in life; and the Ascendant shows how you present yourself to the world and in what way you approach new situations. These are the three main pillars that indicate how you perceive the world, what you find valuable and how you go about living your life.
Each of these placements can also give us a lot of insight into your past life circumstances. They are not necessarily directly involved in the past life story (although they can be) but they represent a logical continuation of your past life. When you are born, you come into the world at a time when everything is exactly right to give you the best conditions so that you can resolve whatever went wrong in your past life. These conditions are symbolized in your birth chart placements; they are the tools you were given to help you evolve in this life.
You are meant to embody the placements in your birth chart because they represent the path forward from your past life conditioning. Of course, every placement in your chart is meant to help you in this manner, however, your Sun, Moon and Ascendant are the main tools you have at your disposal to achieve your personal growth. Since they are so important, let's take a look at each one individually and explain how they connect to your past life story.
Your Moon is a very interesting position when we look at it karmically. In my experience, it fits so well with the past life circumstances, especially if we are trying to understand what it felt like to live that life and to exist in those circumstances. The Moon is your heart and while your mind forgot what kind of things it has experienced in another life, the heart remembers. This is why in karmic astrology we put so much emphasis on the emotional resonance of the past life story. It is certainly interesting when the astrologer is able to figure out little details about the circumstances of your past life but the main question is, does the story touch your heart? Does it feel familiar? Can you relate to the feelings and the emotional wounding in it?
The Moon describes your emotional attachments and what feels safe to you. When we interpret its placement karmically, we can understand the reasons why you have these emotional attachments; they are directly related to your past life circumstances. Whatever feels safe or familiar to you now, is what has felt safe and familiar in your past life. The question we have to answer is, does it feel safe because that is what you have experienced in your past life or because it represented safety that you didn't have back then? To find the answer to this question, we have to consider what the Lunar nodes are telling us about your past life circumstances. Do these circumstances fit nicely with what this Moon needs or are they diametrically opposite?
The position of your Sun starts to make more sense when you stop looking at it in a vacuum that is your current life. When you look at it through the lens of karmic astrology, it takes on a much deeper meaning. The Sun's placement indicates the biggest point of growth in your chart: this is who you are supposed to become, the archetype you are meant to embody in this life. It is one thing to understand who you should become but understanding why this is so important for you and what your soul is trying to learn from it – that is a completely different level of self-knowledge.
The Ascendant is often described as the veneer; that which is visible on the outside. This is the filter through which you express everything that is happening within you outwardly. Depending on the sign of your Ascendant, you might express quite a lot of yourself or you could keep most of it hidden. In karmic astrology, the Ascendant represents the path you need to take to realize the calling of your Sun. In other words, while embodying your Sun sign is your goal in this life, your Ascendant represents how you can get there. It represents your path, your general approach and the way you are supposed to go about living your life.
Karmic analysis is fascinating because it can help you understand why you have the placements you have. Once you have a deeper understanding of them, you can use them in a way that is more conscious and that corresponds with your soul's highest intentions for this lifetime.