In this article, we are going to take a look at the nature of each minor aspect and its effects.

SEMI-SEXTILE (30° distance, orb allowance 2°; hard aspect)
A semi-sextile connects two planets in neighboring signs, meaning they don’t share much in common, as the planets are in incompatible elements and modalities. This aspect points to major problems in simultaneous use of both planets and the need for integration of their energies.
SEMI-SQUARE (45° distance, orb allowance 2°; hard aspect)
A semi-square is similar in nature to a square, only it has a weaker effect. Unlike the square, this aspect doesn’t represent direct conflicts, rather the kinds we can avoid. Because of this, we can also let go of the opportunity for growth and personal development this aspect offers us.
QUINTILE (72° distance, orb allowance 2°; easy aspect)
A quintile represents potential natural talents in a chart. This is the aspect of creativity, in most cases of the artistic type. Besides the talents, a quintile can also offer us the urge to use them, meaning we can become known for these talents.
SESQUIQUADRATE (135° distance, orb allowance 2°; hard aspect)
A sesquiquadrate is similar to a semi-square. Its effect is that of a weaker square.
BIQUINTILE (144° distance, orb allowance 2°; easy aspect)
A biquintile is similar to a quintile and it also represents out natural talents.
QUINCUNX (150° distance, orb allowance 2°; hard aspect)
A quincunx is similar to a semi-sextile because it also connects two planets that don’t have a natural relationship. The planets in a quincunx can’t be used at the same time, meaning that when we express one, we hinder the expression of the other planet. Unlike the opposition, it is challenging to strike a balance or find a compromise between these two planets.