The North node represents the current life circumstances we need to focus on for our spiritual growth. The purpose of the North node is to help us conquer our fears and bravely face the themes it symbolizes. In this way, we have the opportunity to heal our emotional wounds.
The position of the North node represents the circumstances that are new and unknown to us. The South node symbolizes everything that is familiar and comfortable to us. The North node is located exactly opposite, therefore, it represents the things that feel most unfamiliar and foreign to us. Since we are so used to the energy and the circumstances represented by the South node, we tend to avoid or resist the themes of the North node out of fear of the unknown. The North node symbolically represents the point of spiritual growth, so we interpret it in a positive light.
In summary, the North node represents the circumstances that feel unfamiliar to us, so they awaken within us the feelings of fear or discomfort. Because we lack experience in the area represented by the North node, this also means we are a little clueless in this life area, so it is likely we are going to make a lot of mistakes before we really learn. It is not unusual that we would sabotage ourselves in this area out of fear or feelings of worthlessness. It is important that we allow ourselves to be imperfect and try again. The failed attempts shouldn’t take away our courage, it is important that we keep trying, as this is our path to conquering the lessons of the North node.
On the other hand, the North node also represents the things we can perfect to such a degree that we become masters in this life area. It’s important we understand this likely won’t happen overnight or on our first try, however, if we are willing to persist in spite of failures, we can attain a high level of knowledge and become an authority in this life area. Most commonly, we conquer these lessons in the second half of our life. The North node represents the potential we can fulfill but it is up to us to persist and continue learning from our mistakes.
It is important that we are aware of our insecurities and fears in the area where the North node is located. We need to understand that we will not conquer these lessons easily, in fact, it could take a good part of our life before we actually feel comfortable with its energy. If we use the lessons of the South node as a tool, we can help ourselves and reach the North node more easily. It is important that we keep trying regardless of the disappointments and the awareness of our own imperfection. The North node represents the life area in which we can achieve the greatest jump in our spiritual growth. It is up to us to accept the challenge. If we don’t succeed in this lifetime, we will bring it with us to our next life.