The South node represents the circumstances of our past life or several lives that have deeply marked us and left us emotionally wounded. The purpose of our current life is for us to repeat these experiences one more time and find a way to heal ourselves.
The position of the South nude represents the past life circumstances we existed in. The Lunar nodes are connected to karmic patterns and with the idea of reincarnation. This means that something went wrong in our past life; the reason we reincarnate is because we have yet to learn certain lessons. For that reason, the position of the South node is usually interpreted a little bit negatively because it represents our past life mistakes and wrongdoings, which blocked our spiritual growth.
The South node represents the circumstances of our past life. Because we have existed in these circumstances for a long time, they feel familiar and comfortable to us. This is the reason they represent safety to us in this lifetime. Whenever we feel threatened or insecure, we run back to the safety of the South node.
On the other hand, the South node also represents things we are very skilled at due to our past life experience of having to deal with these things. A consequence of our past lives aren’t only our emotional complexes but also our natural talents we can take advantage of in this life.
When we talk about the South node we must be aware of the fact that we can be too rooted and caught in the themes it represents. We should keep in mind that the purpose of the South node is to remind us where we come from on an emotional level. It is important that we don’t cling to the things it represents out of fear or lack of confidence. The South node is only meant to be our crutch in difficult times; its purpose is not to keep us in its energy or circumstances because that would keep us emotionally stuck right where we were in our past life. If we don’t focus on the themes represented by the North node, we will start our next life at the very same spot.